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[古典] 柴可夫斯基1812年序曲、斯拉夫进行曲

发表于 2016-11-9 20:28:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Valery Gergiev -《柴可夫斯基1812年序曲、斯拉夫进行曲》(Tchaikovsky - 1812 Overture, etc )[24 bits 96 KHz][FLAC]

专辑英文名: Tchaikovsky - 1812 Overture, etc
专辑中文名: 柴可夫斯基:1812年序曲、斯拉夫进行曲
艺术家: Valery Gergiev
古典类型: 全集作品
资源格式: FLAC
版本: [24 bits 96 KHz]
地区: 美国
语言: 英语
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MARIINSKY 柴可夫斯基:1812年序曲、斯拉夫进行曲[Tchaikovsky: 1812 Overture、Slavonic March, etc.]
继续由 指挥家 瓦列里 杰捷耶夫 ( Valery Gergiev ) , 领导 马林斯基管弦乐团 。今次专辑全都是柴可夫斯基的作品: 他曾经多次受聘於当时沙皇或俄国政府,创作的音乐 多是用作一些重要的政府活动: 例如专辑中的 " 丹麦序曲 " 是为了庆祝 马可 亚历山大王子 与 丹麦公主达格玛的婚礼。而当 亚历山大王子登基成为沙皇后, 柴可夫斯基更创了 " 莫斯科康塔塔 ", 及 " 加冕进行曲 " 并将作品献给这位新的君皇。
而专辑其余两首作品, 都是和战争有关的: 柴可夫斯基创作的 " 斯拉夫进行曲 " 是为了当时 在 塞尔维亚-土耳其战争 的义勇军, 而作慈善筹款的音乐会。而 " 1812 序曲 ", 实际上, 是庆贺新落成的" 莫斯科 救世主大教堂 " :这教堂也是记念 当时 1812年 俄军战胜 拿破崙的军队的 70周年庆典。

Tchaikovsky: 1812 Overture、Slavonic March, etc.
Mariinsky Orchestra, Soloists and Chorus, Valery Gergiev
Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840 - 1893)
[1] Overture solennelle "1812" Op.49
"Moscow" Cantata
[2] 1. Introduction and chorus
[3] 2. Arioso
[4] 3. Chorus
[5] 4. Monologue and chorus
[6] 5. Arioso
[7] 6. Finale
[8] Slavonic March, Op.31
[9] Festival Coronation March in D Major
[10]Festival Overture on the Danish National Anthem op.15
Release Date: 10/13/2009
Label: Mariinsky Catalog #: 503 Spars Code: n/a
Composer: Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky
Conductor: Valery Gergiev
Orchestra/Ensemble: St. Petersburg Mariinsky Theater Orchestra
Number of Discs: 1
Recorded in: Multi

There are only so many ways you can say it, but it's worth repeating: the combination of Valery Gergiev and the Kirov Orchestra is one of the all-time best when it comes to performing Russian music for the stage. The recording of the complete Nutcracker is just one example of their particular skills. There is a clarity and precision to the orchestra's playing that gives Tchaikovsky's music sparkle, while Gergiev breathes life into the dances and few moments of drama that are in the story. Melodies and countermelodies seamlessly pass from one instrument to another, and every nuance of dynamics and timing. And yet that attention to detail does not detract from the enchantment of the presentation. It's a refreshing reading of the complete ballet that stands in contrast to the often run-of-the-mill and clichéd performances of the Nutcracker Suite., Rovi

Tchaikovsky: 1812, Marche slav, Moscow Cantata, etc./Gergiev
Review by: Victor Carr Jr

Artistic Quality: 9
Sound Quality: 7
The rarity here is the Moscow Cantata, completed in 1883 and premiered at the coronation of Czar Alexander III . The extremely short deadline required Tchaikovsky to interrupt work on his opera Mazeppa, which may explain why much of the music is more operatic than cantata-like. Mezzo Liubov Sokolova sings beautifully in her two numbers (the second of which bears thematic similarity to the Intermezzo from Tchaikovsky’s Orchestral Suite No. 1), while baritone Alexey Markov provides solid, rich tone for his one solo. The choral writing is in the standard 19th-century Russian style. The composer’s dramatic sense and melodic ingenuity make for an engaging 25 minutes.
Celebrating the Czar doesn’t end with the cantata: the 1812 Overture and Marche Slave (both of which receive suitably dramatic renditions), the worthy but rarely heard Danish Festival Overture, and the brief, by-the-book Festival Coronation March all feature the Russian anthem “God Save the Tsar”. The Mariinsky Orchestra catches the music’s nationalistic spirit under Valery Gergiev’s direction, but the shallow-sounding recording somewhat dims the fire (the chorus and orchestra portions bring to mind the old Melodiya days). You won’t buy this for the 1812–there are many better-recorded renditions available–but the program’s novelty will make this CD very attractive to Tchaikovsky collectors.

01. 1812 Festival Overture, Op. 49
02. 'Moscow' Cantata. I - Introduction and Chorus
03. 'Moscow' Cantata. II - Arioso
04. 'Moscow' Cantata. III - Chorus
05. 'Moscow' Cantata. IV - Monologue and Chorus
06. 'Moscow' Cantata. V - Arioso
07. 'Moscow' Cantata. VI - Finale
08. Slavonic March (Marche Slave), Op. 31
09. Festival Coronation March
10. Festival Overture on the Danish National Anthem, Op. 15


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