

[古典 Classical] 【7739】胆咪 TACET S250 Dvorak Symphony 9 Keller 德沃夏克第九交响曲 斯拉舞曲

发表于 2021-9-6 11:24:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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【7739】胆咪 TACET S250 Dvorak Symphony No. 9 Keller 德沃夏克第九交响曲 斯拉夫舞曲 SACD ISO



Tacet  0250
Stereo/Multichannel Hybrid
Classical - Orchestral
Dvorak: Symphony No. 9, Silent Woods, Rondo for cello & orchestra, Slavonic Dances Op. 46 Nos. 5, 6 & 8
Miklós Perényi (cello
Concerto Budapest
András Keller (conductor)
演奏的团体是Concerto Budapest,这是正宗的捷克乐团。指挥Andreas Keller(1960-)本来是位小提琴家,也创立Keller四重奏团,并且也是Concerto Budapest的指挥。除了第九交响曲之外,另外还有德沃夏克的几首斯拉夫舞曲、以及二首大提琴与管弦乐合奏的曲子,一首是Silent Wood,另一首是Rondo Op94。
这张唱片的录音师当然就是Tacet唱片的老板Andreas Spreer,他用真空管设备录下这场精彩的演出。热力四射的新世界交响曲就不必说了,从开始的冷静一直到第四乐章,那狂热的音响效果会让人的血压随之上升。而二首大提琴与管絃乐团的演奏优美无比,大提琴的音质音色迷人已极。而在 斯拉夫舞曲中,您可以清楚听到大鼓打出来的低频震波,营造出丰满的低频效果。 这张是Tacet在2018年布达佩斯的录音,非常精采,错过可惜,SACD有五声道环绕效果。(选自音响论坛总编 刘汉盛)
Dvo?ák’s 9th symphony paints the town red, for sure. But that’s not all! The strings of András Keller are able to blossom like flowers. They don’t play uniformly but with a seemingly congenital naturalness as if it were easy for 14 violins to sound as homogeneously and at the same time as individually as a single violin. Also for the wind it is not the high performance that counts but the sensitivity and the flowing of the music, e. g. the English horn solo in the second movement. The brass: no power play but rich and gentle, always sensitive chords. – The tempi, the transitions, everything flows organically and invites you to go along. That is the great art of legato. Old-fashioned to some people, in fact timeless beautiful. No surprise that one role model for András Keller is Wilhelm Furtw?ngler. After that and without any showing off the loved by many cellist Miklós Perényi gently carries you off into the mysterious world of the rondo op 68/8 and “Klid” (silent wood) op. 95. Three slavonic dances from op. 46 round off the program.
Symphony No. 9 E minor op. 95 "From the New world"
01. Adagio - Allegro molto
02. Largo
03. Molto vivace
04. Allegro con fuoco
05. Klid (Silent wood) op. 68 no. 5 for violoncello and orchestra
06. Rondo op. 94 for violoncello and orchestra
07. Slavonic dance op. 46 no. 5 Allegro vivace
08. Slavonic dance op. 46 no. 6 Allegretto scherzando
09. Slavonic dance op. 46 no. 8 Presto



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售价: 800 音乐币  [记录]


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