

[古典 Classical] 【7725】胆咪 TACET S252 莫扎特 单簧管作品集 SACD ISO

发表于 2021-9-5 07:38:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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【7725】胆咪 TACET S252 莫扎特 单簧管作品集  Mozart Clarinet Concerto Clarinet Quintet Altmann SACD ISO



莫札特单簧管作品集  德克阿尔克曼
Tacet  0252
Stereo/Multichannel Hybrid
Classical - Orchestral
Mozart: Clarinet Concerto, Clarinet Quintet, Abendempfindung, An Chloe
Dirk Altmann (clarinet)
Masato Suzuki (piano)
Ludwig Chamber Players
Members of the SWR Symphonie Orchester
德克阿尔特曼曾在斯图加特SWR交响乐团担任首席单簧管演奏家,最新专辑收录了莫札特晚期作品,给单簧管大师Anton Stadler着名的2首友谊之作,《A大调单簧管五重奏K. 581》将表情丰富的单簧管,和弦乐器搭配发挥,呈现出美丽动人的华丽感受。《A大调单簧管协奏曲K. 622》,是单簧管的经典作品,尤其是第二乐章因被拿来当作电影《远离非洲》的配乐而广为人知。两首作品中间特别收录2首莫札特歌曲以单簧管和钢琴演奏,SACD版本运用TACET独家的Real Surround Sound实境环绕录音,有如被音乐家环绕的临场感,带来丰富的莫札特飨宴。
The clarinet player uses his instrument as billiard cue. This little provocation on the cover indicates what is going on. Its common knowledge that Mozart composed these pieces not long before his death. But for Dirk Altmann (and booklet author Katharina Eickhoff) they are not the creations of an angel on the way to heaven but where written in a very earthly environment a part of which was playing billiard with his friend and clarinet player Anton Stadler. What happens when the clarinet concerto is played exempt of romantic, nearly religious enhancement? We hear the inspirations of a joyful genius. Surely you want to know more...
Mozart: Quintet A major K. 581 for clarinet two violins viola and violoncello (Stadler Quintet).  
1. I. Allegretto
2. II. Larghetto
3. III. Menuetto
4. VI. Allegretto con Variazioni
Two Songs adapted for clarinet and pianoforte
5. Abendempfindung K. 523
6. An Chloe K. 524
Clarinet concerto A major K. 622
7. I. Allegro
8. II. Adagio
9. III. Rondo. Allegro


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售价: 900 音乐币  [记录]  [购买]


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