

[古典 Classical] 【5956】穆索尔斯基 图画展览会 Mussorgsky Pictures at an exhibition 50CD FLAC

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【5956】穆索尔斯基 图画展览会  50CD FLAC



| |-【5956】穆索尔斯基 图画展览会 Mussorgsky Pictures at an exhibition无损合集 50CD FLAC
| | |-Mussourgsky Pictures_at_an_Exhibition Piano Score.pdf
| | |-50 Hoteev (Berlin Classics, 2014)
| | | |-Front.jpg
| | | |-Back.jpg
| | | |-(16) [Andrej Hoteev] Pictures at an Exhibition - X. The Bogatyr Gates in Capital Kiev.flac
| | | |-(15) [Andrej Hoteev] Pictures at an Exhibition - IX. The Hut with Fowl's Legs.flac
| | | |-(14) [Andrej Hoteev] Pictures at an Exhibition - Cum mortuis in lingua mortua.flac
| | | |-(13) [Andrej Hoteev] Pictures at an Exhibition - VIII. Catacombae.flac
| | | |-(12) [Andrej Hoteev] Pictures at an Exhibition - VII. Limoges. Le marché.flac
| | | |-(11) [Andrej Hoteev] Pictures at an Exhibition - Promenade.flac
| | | |-(10) [Andrej Hoteev] Pictures at an Exhibition - VI. Samuel Goldberg und Schmuyle.flac
| | | |-(09) [Andrej Hoteev] Pictures at an Exhibition - V. Scherzino. Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks.flac
| | | |-(08) [Andrej Hoteev] Pictures at an Exhibition - Promenade.flac
| | | |-(07) [Andrej Hoteev] Pictures at an Exhibition - IV. Bydło.flac
| | | |-(06) [Andrej Hoteev] Pictures at an Exhibition - III. Tuileries.flac
| | | |-(05) [Andrej Hoteev] Pictures at an Exhibition - Promenade.flac
| | | |-(04) [Andrej Hoteev] Pictures at an Exhibition - II. Il vecchio castelo.flac
| | | |-(03) [Andrej Hoteev] Pictures at an Exhibition - Promenade.flac
| | | |-(02) [Andrej Hoteev] Pictures at an Exhibition - I. Gnomus.flac
| | | |-(02) [Andrej Hoteev] Pictures at an Exhibition - I. Gnomus.flac
| | | |-(01) [Andrej Hoteev] Pictures at an Exhibition - Promenade.flac
| | |-49 Ott (DG, 2012)
| | | |-Front.jpg
| | | |-Booklet.pdf
| | | |-16-The_Bogatyr_Gate_at_Kiev.flac
| | | |-15-The_hut_on_chicken_s_legs_Baba-Yaga.flac
| | | |-14-Cum_mortuis_in_lingua_morta.flac
| | | |-13-Catacombae_Sepulcrum_romanum.flac
| | | |-12-The_Market-place_at_Limoges.flac
| | | |-11-Promenade.flac
| | | |-10-Samuel_Goldenburg_and_Schmuyle.flac
| | | |-09-Ballet_of_the_unhatched_chicks.flac
| | | |-09-Ballet_of_the_unhatched_chicks.flac
| | | |-08-Promenade.flac
| | | |-08-Promenade.flac
| | | |-07-Bydlo.flac
| | | |-06-Tuileries.flac
| | | |-05-Promenade.flac
| | | |-04-Il_vecchio_castello.flac
| | | |-03-Promenade.flac
| | | |-02-Gnomus.flac
| | | |-01-Promenade.flac
| | |-48 Osborne (Hyperion, 2011)
| | | |-Musorgsky - Pictures From an Exhibition; Prokofiev - Sarcasms & Visions Fugitives.pdf
| | | |-Musorgsky - Pictures From an Exhibition; Prokofiev - Sarcasms & Visions Fugitives.log
| | | |-Grammphone review.jpg
| | | |-(16) [Steven Osborne] Musorgsky- Pictures From an Exhibition - No 10- The Great Gate of Kiev.flac
| | | |-(15) [Steven Osborne] Musorgsky- Pictures From an Exhibition - No 9- Baba Yaga.flac
| | | |-(13) [Steven Osborne] Musorgsky- Pictures From an Exhibition - No 8a- Catacombae.flac
| | | |-(12) [Steven Osborne] Musorgsky- Pictures From an Exhibition - No 7- Limoges, the Market Place.flac
| | | |-(12) [Steven Osborne] Musorgsky- Pictures From an Exhibition - No 7- Limoges, the Market Place.flac
| | | |-(11) [Steven Osborne] Musorgsky- Pictures From an Exhibition - Promenade 5.flac
| | | |-(08) [Steven Osborne] Musorgsky- Pictures From an Exhibition - Promenade 4.flac
| | | |-(07) [Steven Osborne] Musorgsky- Pictures From an Exhibition - No 4- Bydlo.flac
| | | |-(06) [Steven Osborne] Musorgsky- Pictures From an Exhibition - No 3- Tuileries.flac
| | | |-(05) [Steven Osborne] Musorgsky- Pictures From an Exhibition - Promenade 3.flac
| | | |-(04) [Steven Osborne] Musorgsky- Pictures From an Exhibition - No 2- The Old Castle.flac
| | | |-(03) [Steven Osborne] Musorgsky- Pictures From an Exhibition - Promenade 2.flac
| | | |-(03) [Steven Osborne] Musorgsky- Pictures From an Exhibition - Promenade 2.flac
| | | |-(02) [Steven Osborne] Musorgsky- Pictures From an Exhibition - No 1- Gnomus.flac
| | | |-(01) [Steven Osborne] Musorgsky- Pictures From an Exhibition - Promenade 1.flac
| | | |-(01) [Steven Osborne] Musorgsky- Pictures From an Exhibition - Promenade 1.flac
| | |-47 Goldstone (Divine Art, 2011)
| | | |-Mussorgsky - Piano Music [Russian Piano Music Vol. 8].log
| | | |-Booklet.pdf
| | | |-(28) [Anthony Goldstone (piano)] Pictures at an Exhibition (earlier variants from manuscript) - X. The Great Gate at Kiev.flac
| | | |-(27) [Anthony Goldstone (piano)] Pictures at an Exhibition (earlier variants from manuscript) - IX. The Hut on Fowl's Legs (Baba-Yaga).flac
| | | |-(26) [Anthony Goldstone (piano)] Pictures at an Exhibition (earlier variants from manuscript) - I. Gnomus.flac
| | | |-(22) [Anthony Goldstone (piano)] Pictures at an Exhibition (from manuscript) - X. The Great Gate at Kiev.flac
| | | |-(21) [Anthony Goldstone (piano)] Pictures at an Exhibition (from manuscript) - IX. The Hut on Fowl's Legs (Baba-Yaga).flac
| | | |-(20) [Anthony Goldstone (piano)] Pictures at an Exhibition (from manuscript) - VIII. Con mortuis in lingua mortua.flac
| | | |-(19) [Anthony Goldstone (piano)] Pictures at an Exhibition (from manuscript) - VIII. Catacombae (Sepulcrum romanum) -.flac
| | | |-(18) [Anthony Goldstone (piano)] Pictures at an Exhibition (from manuscript) - VII. The Market-Place at Limoges.flac
| | | |-(17) [Anthony Goldstone (piano)] Pictures at an Exhibition (from manuscript) - Promenade.flac
| | | |-(16) [Anthony Goldstone (piano)] Pictures at an Exhibition (from manuscript) - VI. Samuel Goldenberg and Schmuyle.flac
| | | |-(15) [Anthony Goldstone (piano)] Pictures at an Exhibition (from manuscript) - V. Ballet of the Chickens in their Shells.flac
| | | |-(14) [Anthony Goldstone (piano)] Pictures at an Exhibition (from manuscript) - Promenade.flac
| | | |-(13) [Anthony Goldstone (piano)] Pictures at an Exhibition (from manuscript) - IV. Bydlo.flac
| | | |-(12) [Anthony Goldstone (piano)] Pictures at an Exhibition (from manuscript) - III. Tuileries.flac
| | | |-(11) [Anthony Goldstone (piano)] Pictures at an Exhibition (from manuscript) - Promenade.flac
| | | |-(10) [Anthony Goldstone (piano)] Pictures at an Exhibition (from manuscript) - II. Old Castle.flac
| | | |-(09) [Anthony Goldstone (piano)] Pictures at an Exhibition (from manuscript) - Promenade.flac
| | | |-(08) [Anthony Goldstone (piano)] Pictures at an Exhibition (from manuscript) - I. Gnomus.flac
| | | |-(07) [Anthony Goldstone (piano)] Pictures at an Exhibition (from manuscript) - Promenade.flac
| | |-46 Tsujii (Avex, 2010)
| | | |-Nobuyuki Tsujii - Pictures at an Exhibition.log
| | | |-Booklet.pdf
| | | |-Booklet.pdf
| | | |-16 - Pictures at an Exhibition - The Great Gate at Kiev.flac
| | | |-15 - Pictures at an Exhibition - Hut on Fowl's Legs (Baba-Yaga).flac
| | | |-14 - Pictures at an Exhibition - Cum mortius in lingua mortua.flac
| | | |-13 - Pictures at an Exhibition - Catacombae - Sepulcrum Romanum.flac
| | | |-13 - Pictures at an Exhibition - Catacombae - Sepulcrum Romanum.flac
| | | |-12 - Pictures at an Exhibition - Limoges - Le marche.flac
| | | |-12 - Pictures at an Exhibition - Limoges - Le marche.flac
| | | |-11 - Pictures at an Exhibition - Promenade.flac
| | | |-10 - Pictures at an Exhibition - Samuel Goldberg & Schmuyle.flac
| | | |-09 - Pictures at an Exhibition - Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks.flac
| | | |-08 - Pictures at an Exhibition - Promenade.flac
| | | |-07 - Pictures at an Exhibition - Bydlo.flac
| | | |-07 - Pictures at an Exhibition - Bydlo.flac
| | | |-06 - Pictures at an Exhibition - Tuileries - Dispite d'enfants apres jeux.flac
| | | |-05 - Pictures at an Exhibition - Promenade.flac
| | | |-04 - Pictures at an Exhibition - II vecchio castello.flac
| | | |-03 - Pictures at an Exhibition - Promenade.flac
| | | |-02 - Pictures at an Exhibition - Gnomus.flac
| | | |-02 - Pictures at an Exhibition - Gnomus.flac
| | | |-01 - Pictures at an Exhibition - Promenade.flac
| | |-45 Chen (Pentatone, 2009)
| | | |-Sa Chen - Rachmaninov & Mussorgsky.log
| | | |-Sa Chen - Rachmaninov & Mussorgsky.log
| | | |-Booklet.pdf
| | | |-(23) [Sa Chen] Track23.flac
| | | |-(22) [Sa Chen] Track22.flac
| | | |-(21) [Sa Chen] Track21.flac
| | | |-(20) [Sa Chen] Track20.flac
| | | |-(19) [Sa Chen] Track19.flac
| | | |-(18) [Sa Chen] Track18.flac
| | | |-(18) [Sa Chen] Track18.flac
| | | |-(17) [Sa Chen] Track17.flac
| | | |-(16) [Sa Chen] Track16.flac
| | | |-(15) [Sa Chen] Track15.flac
| | | |-(14) [Sa Chen] Track14.flac
| | | |-(14) [Sa Chen] Track14.flac
| | | |-(13) [Sa Chen] Track13.flac
| | | |-(12) [Sa Chen] Track12.flac
| | | |-(12) [Sa Chen] Track12.flac
| | | |-(11) [Sa Chen] Track11.flac
| | | |-(10) [Sa Chen] Track10.flac
| | | |-(09) [Sa Chen] Track09.flac
| | | |-(09) [Sa Chen] Track09.flac
| | | |-(08) [Sa Chen] Track08.flac
| | |-44 Andsnes (EMI, 2008)
| | | |-Unknown Title.log
| | | |-Booklet.pdf
| | |-43 Gvetadze (Brilliant, 2007)
| | | |-Nino Gvetadze - Mussorgsky  Pictures At An Exhibition (And 10 Other Piano Pieces).log
| | | |-Booklet.pdf
| | | |-(16) [Nino Gvetadze] Das Bogatyr-Tor (In Der Alte Hauptstadt Kiew).ape
| | | |-(15) [Nino Gvetadze] Die Hute Auf Huhnerfussen (Baba Jaga).ape
| | | |-(14) [Nino Gvetadze] Con Murtuis In Lingua Mortua (Mit Den Toten In Einer Totensprache).ape
| | | |-(13) [Nino Gvetadze] Catacombae (Sepulchrum Romanum).ape
| | | |-(12) [Nino Gvetadze] Limoges, Le Marche (La Grande Nouvelle).ape
| | | |-(11) [Nino Gvetadze] Promenade.ape
| | | |-(10) [Nino Gvetadze] Samuel Goldenberg Und Schmuyle.ape
| | | |-(10) [Nino Gvetadze] Samuel Goldenberg Und Schmuyle.ape
| | | |-(09) [Nino Gvetadze] Ballet Der Nicht Ausgeschlupften Kuchlein.ape
| | | |-(08) [Nino Gvetadze] Promenade.ape
| | | |-(07) [Nino Gvetadze] Bydlo.ape
| | | |-(07) [Nino Gvetadze] Bydlo.ape
| | | |-(06) [Nino Gvetadze] Tuileries.ape
| | | |-(05) [Nino Gvetadze] Promenade.ape
| | | |-(05) [Nino Gvetadze] Promenade.ape
| | | |-(04) [Nino Gvetadze] Il Vecchio Castello.ape
| | | |-(03) [Nino Gvetadze] Promenade.ape
| | | |-(02) [Nino Gvetadze] Gnomus.ape
| | | |-(01) [Nino Gvetadze] Promenade.ape
| | |-42 Graf (Cougar, 2007)
| | | |-Enrique Graf - Bach; Mendelssohn; Mussorgsky.log
| | | |-Booklet.pdf
| | | |-18 - Mussorgsky- Pictures at an Exhibition - No 10. The Great Gate of Kiev.flac
| | | |-18 - Mussorgsky- Pictures at an Exhibition - No 10. The Great Gate of Kiev.flac
| | | |-17 - Mussorgsky- Pictures at an Exhibition - No 9. Baba Yaga (The Hut on Fowl's Legs).flac
| | | |-16 - Mussorgsky- Pictures at an Exhibition - No 8. Catacombae- Con mortis in lingua mortua.flac
| | | |-16 - Mussorgsky- Pictures at an Exhibition - No 8. Catacombae- Con mortis in lingua mortua.flac
| | | |-15 - Mussorgsky- Pictures at an Exhibition - No 8. Catacombae- Sepulchrum Romanum.flac
| | | |-14 - Mussorgsky- Pictures at an Exhibition - No 7. Limoges, the market place.flac
| | | |-13 - Mussorgsky- Pictures at an Exhibition - Promenade.flac
| | | |-12 - Mussorgsky- Pictures at an Exhibition - No 6. Two Polish Jews, one rich, the other poor (Samuel Goldenburg and Schmuyle).flac
| | | |-11 - Mussorgsky- Pictures at an Exhibition - No 5. Ballet of the unhatched chicks.flac
| | | |-10 - Mussorgsky- Pictures at an Exhibition - Promenade.flac
| | | |-09 - Mussorgsky- Pictures at an Exhibition - No 4. Bydlo (A Polish Ox-cart).flac
| | | |-08 - Mussorgsky- Pictures at an Exhibition - No 3. Tuileries- Children quarrelling after play.flac
| | | |-07 - Mussorgsky- Pictures at an Exhibition - Promenade.flac
| | | |-06 - Mussorgsky- Pictures at an Exhibition - No 2. The Old Castle (Il vecchio castello).flac
| | | |-05 - Mussorgsky- Pictures at an Exhibition - Promenade.flac
| | | |-04 - Mussorgsky- Pictures at an Exhibition - No 1. Gnomus.flac
| | | |-03 - Mussorgsky- Pictures at an Exhibition - Promenade.flac
| | |-41 Kempf (BIS, 2006)
| | | |-CD.log
| | | |-CD.log
| | | |-Booklet.pdf
| | | |-Booklet.pdf
| | | |-1.16. 10. The Bogatyr Gate.flac
| | | |-1.15. 9. The Hut on Hen's Legs (Baba Yaga).flac
| | | |-1.14. Con mortuis in lingua mortua.flac
| | | |-1.13. 8. Catacombae.flac
| | | |-1.12. 7. Limoges (Le marché).flac
| | | |-1.12. 7. Limoges (Le marché).flac
| | | |-1.11. Promenade.flac
| | | |-1.10. 6. Samuel Goldenberg und Schmuyle.flac
| | | |-1.09. 5. Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks.flac
| | | |-1.08. Promenade.flac
| | | |-1.07. 4. Bydlo.flac
| | | |-1.06. 3. Tuileries (disputes d'enfants après jeux).flac
| | | |-1.05. Promenade.flac
| | | |-1.04. 2. Il vecchio castello.flac
| | | |-1.03. Promenade.flac
| | | |-1.02. 1. Gnomus.flac
| | | |-1.01. (Tableaux d'une exposition) Promenade.flac
| | |-40 Uehara (EMI, 2005)
| | | |-Front.jpg
| | | |-Back.jpg
| | | |-(19) [Ayako Uehara, London Symphony Orchestra, Rafael Fruhbeck De Burgos] Pictures at an Exhibition- The Great Gate of Kiev, Allegro alla breve.ape
| | | |-(18) [Ayako Uehara, London Symphony Orchestra, Rafael Fruhbeck De Burgos] Pictures at an Exhibition- The Hut on Fowl's Legs, Allegro con brio.ape
| | | |-(17) [Ayako Uehara, London Symphony Orchestra, Rafael Fruhbeck De Burgos] Pictures at an Exhibition- The Catacombs, Andante non troppo.ape
| | | |-(16) [Ayako Uehara, London Symphony Orchestra, Rafael Fruhbeck De Burgos] Pictures at an Exhibition- The Catacombs, Largo.ape
| | | |-(15) [Ayako Uehara, London Symphony Orchestra, Rafael Fruhbeck De Burgos] Pictures at an Exhibition- The Market Place in Limoges, Allegretto vivo.ape
| | | |-(14) [Ayako Uehara, London Symphony Orchestra, Rafael Fruhbeck De Burgos] Pictures at an Exhibition- Promenade, Allegro guisto.ape
| | | |-(13) [Ayako Uehara, London Symphony Orchestra, Rafael Fruhbeck De Burgos] Pictures at an Exhibition- Samuel Goldenberg and Schmuyle, Andante.ape
| | | |-(12) [Ayako Uehara, London Symphony Orchestra, Rafael Fruhbeck De Burgos] Pictures at an Exhibition- Ballet of the Chicks in their Shells, Scherzino.ape
| | | |-(11) [Ayako Uehara, London Symphony Orchestra, Rafael Fruhbeck De Burgos] Pictures at an Exhibition- Promenade, Tranquillo.ape
| | | |-(10) [Ayako Uehara, London Symphony Orchestra, Rafael Fruhbeck De Burgos] Pictures at an Exhibition- The Ox Cart, Sempre moderato.ape
| | | |-(09) [Ayako Uehara, London Symphony Orchestra, Rafael Fruhbeck De Burgos] Pictures at an Exhibition- The Tuileries, Allegretto non troppo.ape
| | | |-(09) [Ayako Uehara, London Symphony Orchestra, Rafael Fruhbeck De Burgos] Pictures at an Exhibition- The Tuileries, Allegretto non troppo.ape
| | | |-(08) [Ayako Uehara, London Symphony Orchestra, Rafael Fruhbeck De Burgos] Pictures at an Exhibition- Promenade, Moderato non tanto.ape
| | | |-(07) [Ayako Uehara, London Symphony Orchestra, Rafael Fruhbeck De Burgos] Pictures at an Exhibition- The Old Castle, Andantino molto.ape
| | | |-(06) [Ayako Uehara, London Symphony Orchestra, Rafael Fruhbeck De Burgos] Pictures at an Exhibition- Promenade, Moderato.ape
| | | |-(05) [Ayako Uehara, London Symphony Orchestra, Rafael Fruhbeck De Burgos] Pictures at an Exhibition- The Gnome, Sempre vivo.ape
| | | |-(04) [Ayako Uehara, London Symphony Orchestra, Rafael Fruhbeck De Burgos] Pictures at an Exhibition- Promenade, Allegro giusto.ape
| | |-39 Davie (ABC Classics, 2005)
| | | |-Mussorgsky - Pictures, Rachmaninoff - Piano Sonata No1, Scott Davie (ABC Classics).log
| | | |-Booklet.pdf
| | | |-(13) [Scott Davie] Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - Bogatyr Gate (at Kiev, the Ancient Capital).flac
| | | |-(12) [Scott Davie] Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - The Hut of Hen's Legs (Baba Yaga).flac
| | | |-(12) [Scott Davie] Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - The Hut of Hen's Legs (Baba Yaga).flac
| | | |-(11) [Scott Davie] Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - Cum mortuis in lingua mortua (With the dead in a dead language).flac
| | | |-(10) [Scott Davie] Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - Catacombae (Sepulcrum romanum)(Catacombs, Roman Sepulchre).flac
| | | |-(09) [Scott Davie] Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - Limoges, Le marche (La grande nouvelle)(The Market- the big news).flac
| | | |-(08) [Scott Davie] Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - Promenade.flac
| | | |-(07) [Scott Davie] Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - 'Samuel' Goldenberd and 'Schmuyle'.flac
| | | |-(06) [Scott Davie] Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks.flac
| | | |-(05) [Scott Davie] Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - Bydlo (Oxen).flac
| | | |-(04) [Scott Davie] Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - Tuileries (Dispute d'enfeants apres jeux)(Children arguing after play).flac
| | | |-(03) [Scott Davie] Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - Il vecchio castello (The old castle).flac
| | | |-(02) [Scott Davie] Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - Gnomus (Gnome).flac
| | | |-(01) [Scott Davie] Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - Promenade.flac
| | |-38 Domingos Antonio (EMI, 2005)
| | | |-Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - Domingos António.log
| | | |-booklet
| | | | |-front.jpg
| | | | |-cd.jpg
| | | | |-back.jpg
| | | | |-006.jpg
| | | | |-005.jpg
| | | | |-004.jpg
| | | | |-003.jpg
| | | | |-002.jpg
| | | | |-001.jpg
| | | |-24. Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - The great gate of Kiev.flac
| | | |-23. Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - The hut of Baba-Yaga.flac
| | | |-22. Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - Catacombæ.flac
| | | |-21. Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - The market place of Limoges.flac
| | | |-21. Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - The market place of Limoges.flac
| | | |-20. Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - Promenade.flac
| | | |-19. Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - Samuel Goldenberg and Schmule.flac
| | | |-18. Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - Ballet of the Unhatched Chickens.flac
| | | |-18. Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - Ballet of the Unhatched Chickens.flac
| | | |-17. Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - Bydio.flac
| | | |-16. Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - Promenade.flac
| | | |-15. Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - Il vecchio Castello.flac
| | | |-15. Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - Il vecchio Castello.flac
| | | |-14. Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - Promenade.flac
| | | |-13. Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - Gnomus.flac
| | | |-12. Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - Promenade.flac
| | |-37 Kissin (RCA, 2001)
| | | |-scans
| | | | |-cover_in.jpg
| | | | |-cover.jpg
| | | | |-back.jpg
| | | | |-back.jpg
| | | |-Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - Evgeny Kissin.LOG
| | | |-Front.jpg
| | | |-(20) [Modest Mussorgsky - Evgeny Kissin] Pictures at an Exhibition, 16 The Great Gate of Kiev.ape
| | | |-(19) [Modest Mussorgsky - Evgeny Kissin] Pictures at an Exhibition, 15 The Hut on Fowl's Legs (Baba-Yaga).ape
| | | |-(18) [Modest Mussorgsky - Evgeny Kissin] Pictures at an Exhibition, 14 Con mortuis in lingua mortua.ape
| | | |-(17) [Modest Mussorgsky - Evgeny Kissin] Pictures at an Exhibition, 13 Catacombae (Sepulcrum romanum).ape
| | | |-(16) [Modest Mussorgsky - Evgeny Kissin] Pictures at an Exhibition, 12 The Market.ape
| | | |-(15) [Modest Mussorgsky - Evgeny Kissin] Pictures at an Exhibition, 11 Promenade.ape
| | | |-(14) [Modest Mussorgsky - Evgeny Kissin] Pictures at an Exhibition, 10 Samuel Goldenberg & Schmuyle.ape
| | | |-(13) [Modest Mussorgsky - Evgeny Kissin] Pictures at an Exhibition, 9 Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks.ape
| | | |-(12) [Modest Mussorgsky - Evgeny Kissin] Pictures at an Exhibition, 8 Promenade.ape
| | | |-(11) [Modest Mussorgsky - Evgeny Kissin] Pictures at an Exhibition, 7 Bydlo.ape
| | | |-(10) [Modest Mussorgsky - Evgeny Kissin] Pictures at an Exhibition, 6 Tuileries.ape
| | | |-(09) [Modest Mussorgsky - Evgeny Kissin] Pictures at an Exhibition, 5 Promenade.ape
| | | |-(08) [Modest Mussorgsky - Evgeny Kissin] Pictures at an Exhibition, 4 The Old Castle.ape
| | | |-(07) [Modest Mussorgsky - Evgeny Kissin] Pictures at an Exhibition, 3 Promenade.ape
| | | |-(06) [Modest Mussorgsky - Evgeny Kissin] Pictures at an Exhibition, 2 The Gnome.ape
| | | |-(05) [Modest Mussorgsky - Evgeny Kissin] Pictures at an Exhibition, 1 Promenade.ape
| | |-36 Warenberg (Brilliant, 2000)
| | | |-CD01.log
| | | |-Binder1.pdf
| | | |-(10) [Mussorgsky] The Great Gate of Kiev.flac
| | | |-(09) [Mussorgsky] Baba Yaga (The hut of fowl's legs).flac
| | | |-(08) [Mussorgsky] Catacombae- Sepulcrum romanum - Con mortius in lingua mortua.flac
| | | |-(07) [Mussorgsky] Promenade - Market place at Limoges.flac
| | | |-(07) [Mussorgsky] Promenade - Market place at Limoges.flac
| | | |-(06) [Mussorgsky] Samuel Goldenberg & Schmuyle.flac
| | | |-(06) [Mussorgsky] Samuel Goldenberg & Schmuyle.flac
| | | |-(05) [Mussorgsky] Promenade - Ballet of the unhatched chicken.flac
| | | |-(04) [Mussorgsky] Bydlo.flac
| | | |-(03) [Mussorgsky] Promenade - Tuileries.flac
| | | |-(03) [Mussorgsky] Promenade - Tuileries.flac
| | | |-(02) [Mussorgsky] Promonade - II vecchio Castello (The old Castle).flac
| | | |-(01) [Mussorgsky] Promenade - Gnomus.flac
| | | |-(01) [Mussorgsky] Promenade - Gnomus.flac
| | |-35 Ogawa (BIS, 1997)
| | | |-Noriko Ogawa Plays Mussorgsky.log
| | | |-cover.jpg
| | | |-Booklet.pdf
| | | |-23 Pictures from an Exhibition No.10. The Giant Gate (in the Capital, in Kiev).flac
| | | |-22 Pictures from an Exhibition No.9. The Hut on Fowl's Leg (Baba-Yaga).flac
| | | |-21 Pictures from an Exhibition Con mortuis in lingua mortua.flac
| | | |-20 Pictures from an Exhibition No.8. Catacombae (Sepulcrum romanum).flac
| | | |-19 Pictures from an Exhibition No.7. Limoges. Les marche..flac
| | | |-18 Pictures from an Exhibition Promenade.flac
| | | |-17 Pictures from an Exhibition No.6. 'Samuel' Goldberg und 'Schmuyle'.flac
| | | |-16 Pictures from an Exhibition No.5. Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks.flac
| | | |-15 Pictures from an Exhibition [Promenade].flac
| | | |-14 Pictures from an Exhibition No.4. Bydlo.flac
| | | |-13 Pictures from an Exhibition No.3. Tuileries.flac
| | | |-13 Pictures from an Exhibition No.3. Tuileries.flac
| | | |-12 Pictures from an Exhibition [Promenade].flac
| | | |-11 Pictures from an Exhibition No.2. Ⅱ vecchio Castello.flac
| | | |-10 Pictures from an Exhibition [Promenade].flac
| | | |-09 Pictures from an Exhibition No.1. Gnomus.flac
| | | |-08 Pictures from an Exhibition Promenade.flac
| | |-34 Pogorelich (DG, 1997)
| | | |-Front.jpg
| | | |-Booklet.pdf
| | | |-(16) [Mussorgsky - Pogorelich] La Porte des Bohatyrs de Kiev.ape
| | | |-(16) [Mussorgsky - Pogorelich] La Porte des Bohatyrs de Kiev.ape
| | | |-(15) [Mussorgsky - Pogorelich] La Cabane sur des pattes de poule.ape
| | | |-(14) [Mussorgsky - Pogorelich] Con mortuis in lingua mortua.ape
| | | |-(13) [Mussorgsky - Pogorelich] Catacombae- Sepulcrum romanum.ape
| | | |-(12) [Mussorgsky - Pogorelich] Limoges.ape
| | | |-(11) [Mussorgsky - Pogorelich] Promenade.ape
| | | |-(10) [Mussorgsky - Pogorelich] Samuel Goldenberg und Schmuyle.ape
| | | |-(09) [Mussorgsky - Pogorelich] Ballet des poussins dans leur coque.ape
| | | |-(08) [Mussorgsky - Pogorelich] Promenade.ape
| | | |-(07) [Mussorgsky - Pogorelich] Bydlo.ape
| | | |-(06) [Mussorgsky - Pogorelich] Les Tuileries.ape
| | | |-(05) [Mussorgsky - Pogorelich] Promenade.ape
| | | |-(04) [Mussorgsky - Pogorelich] Il vecchio castello.ape
| | | |-(03) [Mussorgsky - Pogorelich] Promenade.ape
| | | |-(02) [Mussorgsky - Pogorelich] Gnomus.ape
| | | |-(01) [Mussorgsky - Pogorelich] Promenade.ape
| | | |-(01) [Mussorgsky - Pogorelich] Promenade.ape
| | |-33 Demidenko (Hyperion, 1997)
| | | |-scans
| | | | |-texte 3.jpg
| | | | |-texte 2.jpg
| | | | |-texte 2.jpg
| | | | |-texte.jpg
| | | | |-front single.jpg
| | | | |-front and splitted.jpg
| | | | |-back.jpg
| | | |-16. No 10. The Great Gate of Kiev.flac
| | | |-15. No 9. Baba Yaga (The Hut on Fowl's Legs).flac
| | | |-14. No 8. Catacombae Sepulchrun Romanum - Con mortis in lingua mortua.flac
| | | |-13. No 8. Catacombae Sepulchrum Romanum.flac
| | | |-12. No 7. Limoges, the market place.flac
| | | |-11. Promenade.flac
| | | |-10. No 6. Two Polish Jews, one rich, the other poor (Samuel Goldenburg and Schmuyle).flac
| | | |-09. No 5. Ballet of the unhatched chicks.flac
| | | |-08. Promenade.flac
| | | |-07. No 4. Bydlo (A Polish Ox-cart).flac
| | | |-06. No 3. Tuileries Children quarrelling after play.flac
| | | |-05. Promenade.flac
| | | |-04. No 2. The Old Castle (Il vecchio castello).flac
| | | |-03. Promenade.flac
| | | |-02. No 1. Gnomus.flac
| | | |-01. Promenade.flac
| | |-32 Zilberstein (DG, 1993)
| | | |-Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition, etc - L.Zilberstein.log
| | | |-Booklet.pdf
| | | |-(16) [Lily Zilberstein (piano)] Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - X.flac
| | | |-(15) [Lily Zilberstein (piano)] Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - IX.flac
| | | |-(15) [Lily Zilberstein (piano)] Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - IX.flac
| | | |-(14) [Lily Zilberstein (piano)] Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - Con mortuis in lingua mortua.flac
| | | |-(13) [Lily Zilberstein (piano)] Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - VIII.flac
| | | |-(12) [Lily Zilberstein (piano)] Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - VII.flac
| | | |-(11) [Lily Zilberstein (piano)] Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - Promenade.flac
| | | |-(10) [Lily Zilberstein (piano)] Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - VI.flac
| | | |-(09) [Lily Zilberstein (piano)] Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - V.flac
| | | |-(08) [Lily Zilberstein (piano)] Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - Promenade.flac
| | | |-(08) [Lily Zilberstein (piano)] Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - Promenade.flac
| | | |-(07) [Lily Zilberstein (piano)] Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - IV.flac
| | | |-(06) [Lily Zilberstein (piano)] Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - III.flac
| | | |-(05) [Lily Zilberstein (piano)] Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - Promenade.flac
| | | |-(04) [Lily Zilberstein (piano)] Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - II.flac
| | | |-(04) [Lily Zilberstein (piano)] Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - II.flac
| | | |-(03) [Lily Zilberstein (piano)] Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - Promenade.flac
| | | |-(02) [Lily Zilberstein (piano)] Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - I.flac
| | | |-(01) [Lily Zilberstein (piano)] Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - Promenade.flac
| | |-31 Várjon (LaserLight, 1992)
| | | |-Dénes Várjon - Mussorgsky-Pictures at an Exhibition,Brahms-Piano Pieces.log
| | | |-Booklet.pdf
| | | |-16 - Pictures at an Exhibition- The Great Gate of Kiev - Allego alla breve. Maestoso. Con grandezza.flac
| | | |-15 - Pictures at an Exhibition- The Hut On Fowls' Legs - Baba-Yaga. Allegro con brio, feroce.flac
| | | |-15 - Pictures at an Exhibition- The Hut On Fowls' Legs - Baba-Yaga. Allegro con brio, feroce.flac
| | | |-14 - Pictures at an Exhibition- Cum mortuis in Lingua mortra. Andante non troppo, con lamento.flac
| | | |-13 - Pictures at an Exhibition- Catacombae. Sepulcrum romanum. Largo.flac
| | | |-12 - Pictures at an Exhibition- Limoges. Le marche (The Market Place). Allegretoo vivo, sempre scherzando.flac
| | | |-11 - Pictures at an Exhibition- Promenade. Allegro giusto, nel modo russico, poco scherzando.flac
| | | |-10 - Pictures at an Exhibition- Samuel Goldenberg and Schmuyle; Andante. Grave energico.flac
| | | |-09 - Pictures at an Exhibition- Ballet of the Chickens in their Shells. Scherzino. Vivo, leggiero.flac
| | | |-09 - Pictures at an Exhibition- Ballet of the Chickens in their Shells. Scherzino. Vivo, leggiero.flac
| | | |-08 - Pictures at an Exhibition- Promenade. Tranquillo.flac
| | | |-07 - Pictures at an Exhibition- Bydlo. Sempre moderato, pesante.flac
| | | |-07 - Pictures at an Exhibition- Bydlo. Sempre moderato, pesante.flac
| | | |-06 - Pictures at an Exhibition- Tuileries. Allegretto non troppo, capriccioso.flac
| | | |-05 - Pictures at an Exhibition- Promenade. Moderato non tanto, pesamente.flac
| | | |-04 - Pictures at an Exhibition- Il Vecchio Castello (The Old Castle). Andantino molto cantabile e con dolore.flac
| | | |-03 - Pictures at an Exhibition- Promenade. Moderato commodo assai e con delicatezza.flac
| | | |-02 - Pictures at an Exhibition- Gnomus. Sempre vivo.flac
| | | |-01 - Pictures at an Exhibition- Promenade. Allegro guisto, nel modo russico; senza allegrezza, ma poco sostenuto.flac
| | | |-01 - Pictures at an Exhibition- Promenade. Allegro guisto, nel modo russico; senza allegrezza, ma poco sostenuto.flac
| | |-30 Ugorsky (DG, 1992)
| | | |-Front.jpg
| | | |-Back.jpg
| | | |-16 Anatol Ugorski - Mussorgsky; Pictures at an Exhibition; 16. La Porte des Bohatyrs de Kiev.ape
| | | |-15 Anatol Ugorski - Mussorgsky; Pictures at an Exhibition; 15. La Cabane sur despattes de poule.ape
| | | |-14 Anatol Ugorski - Mussorgsky; Pictures at an Exhibition; 14. Con mortuis in lingua mortua.ape
| | | |-13 Anatol Ugorski - Mussorgsky; Pictures at an Exhibition; 13. Catacombae.ape
| | | |-12 Anatol Ugorski - Mussorgsky; Pictures at an Exhibition; 12.  Limoges.ape
| | | |-11 Anatol Ugorski - Mussorgsky; Pictures at an Exhibition; 11. Promenade.ape
| | | |-10 Anatol Ugorski - Mussorgsky; Pictures at an Exhibition; 10. Samuel Goldenberg et Schmuyle.ape
| | | |-09 Anatol Ugorski - Mussorgsky; Pictures at an Exhibition; 9. Ballet des poussinsdans leur coque.ape
| | | |-08 Mussorgsky; Pictures at an Exhibition; 8. Promande.ape
| | | |-07 Mussorgsky; Pictures at an Exhibition; 7. Bydlo.ape
| | | |-07 Mussorgsky; Pictures at an Exhibition; 7. Bydlo.ape
| | | |-06 Mussorgsky; Pictures at an Exhibition; 6. Les Tuileries.ape
| | | |-05 Mussorgsky; Pictures at an Exhibition; 5. Promenade.ape
| | | |-04 Mussorgsky; Pictures at an Exhibition; 4. Il vecchio castello.ape
| | | |-03 Mussorgsky; Pictures at an Exhibition; 3. Promenade.ape
| | | |-02 Mussorgsky; Pictures at an Exhibition; 2. Gnomus.ape
| | | |-01 Mussorgsky; Pictures at an Exhibition; 1. Promenade.ape
| | |-29 Afanassiev (Denon, 1991)
| | | |-Tableaux dune Exposition & 5 Piano Pieces.log
| | | |-Booklet.pdf
| | | |-16 - La grande porte de Kiev.flac
| | | |-15 - La cabane sur des pattes de poule (Baga-Yaga).flac
| | | |-14 - Cum mortuis in lingua mortua.flac
| | | |-13 - Catacombae. Sepulcrum romanum.flac
| | | |-12 - Limoges. Le marche.flac
| | | |-11 - Promenade.flac
| | | |-11 - Promenade.flac
| | | |-10 - Samuel Goldenberg and Schmuyle.flac
| | | |-09 - Ballet de poussins dans leur coque.flac
| | | |-08 - Promenade.flac
| | | |-07 - Bydlo.flac
| | | |-06 - Les Tuileries.flac
| | | |-05 - Promenade.flac
| | | |-04 - Il vecchio Castello.flac
| | | |-03 - Promenade.flac
| | | |-02 - Gnomus.flac
| | | |-01 - Promenade.flac
| | |-28 Ovchinnikov (Piano Classics, 1990)
| | | |-Mussorgsky - Pictures At An Exhibition.log
| | | |-Booklet.pdf
| | | |-Booklet.pdf
| | | |-19 - X. La Grande porte de Kiev. Allegro alla breve. Maestoso..flac
| | | |-18 - IX. La Cabane de Baba-Yaga sur des pattes de Poule..flac
| | | |-17 - VIII. Catacombae- Sepulchrum Romanum.flac
| | | |-16 - VII. Limoges- Le Marche. Allegretto vivo sempre scherzando.flac
| | | |-15 - Promenade.flac
| | | |-15 - Promenade.flac
| | | |-14 - VI. Samuel Goldenberg und Schmuyle. Andante.flac
| | | |-13 - V. Ballet des Petits Poussins dans leur Coques.flac
| | | |-12 - Promenade.flac
| | | |-11 - IV. Bydlo. Sempre moderato pesante.flac
| | | |-11 - IV. Bydlo. Sempre moderato pesante.flac
| | | |-10 - III. Tuileries. Allegretto non troppo, caprriccioso.flac
| | | |-09 - Promenade.flac
| | | |-08 - II. II vecchio castello. Andante.flac
| | | |-07 - Promenade. Moderato non tauto, pesante.flac
| | | |-06 - I. Gnomus. Vivo.flac
| | | |-05 - Promenade.flac
| | |-27 Bronfman (Sony 1990)
| | | |-EAC.log
| | | |-Booklet.pdf
| | | |-Booklet.pdf
| | | |-19 - Pictures at an Exhibition - X. La grande porte de Kiev.flac
| | | |-18 - Pictures at an Exhibition - IX. La cabane de Baba-Yaga sur des pattes de poule.flac
| | | |-17 - Pictures at an Exhibition - Cum mortuis in lingua mortua.flac
| | | |-16 - Pictures at an Exhibition - VIII. Catacombae; Sepulchrum Romanum.flac
| | | |-15 - Pictures at an Exhibition - VII. Limoges; le marche.flac
| | | |-14 - Pictures at an Exhibition - Promenade.flac
| | | |-14 - Pictures at an Exhibition - Promenade.flac
| | | |-13 - Pictures at an Exhibition - VI. Samuel Goldenberg and Schmuyle.flac
| | | |-12 - Pictures at an Exhibition - V. Ballet des petits poussins dans leurs coques.flac
| | | |-11 - Pictures at an Exhibition - Promenade.flac
| | | |-11 - Pictures at an Exhibition - Promenade.flac
| | | |-10 - Pictures at an Exhibition - IV. Bydlo.flac
| | | |-09 - Pictures at an Exhibition - III. Tuileries.flac
| | | |-09 - Pictures at an Exhibition - III. Tuileries.flac
| | | |-08 - Pictures at an Exhibition - Promenade.flac
| | | |-07 - Pictures at an Exhibition - II. Il vecchio castello.flac
| | | |-06 - Pictures at an Exhibition - Promenade.flac
| | | |-05 - Pictures at an Exhibition - I. Gnomus.flac
| | | |-04 - Pictures at an Exhibition - Promenade.flac
| | |-26 Pletnev (Virgin, 1989)
| | | |-Mikhail Pletnev - Pictures at an Exhibition & Sleeping Beauty.log
| | | |-Booklet.pdf
| | | |-15 Pictures at an Exhibition - The Heroes' Gate at Kiev.ape
| | | |-14 Pictures at an Exhibition - The Hut on Hen's Legs.ape
| | | |-13 Pictures at an Exhibition - Con mortuis in lingua mortua.ape
| | | |-12 Pictures at an Exhibition - Catacombae.ape
| | | |-11 Pictures at an Exhibition - Limoges.ape
| | | |-11 Pictures at an Exhibition - Limoges.ape
| | | |-10 Pictures at an Exhibition - Two Polish Jews.ape
| | | |-09 Pictures at an Exhibition - Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks.ape
| | | |-08 Pictures at an Exhibition - Promenade.ape
| | | |-07 Pictures at an Exhibition - Bydlo.ape
| | | |-06 Pictures at an Exhibition - Tuileries.ape
| | | |-05 Pictures at an Exhibition - Promenade.ape
| | | |-04 Pictures at an Exhibition - Il vecchio castello.ape
| | | |-03 Pictures at an Exhibition - Promenade.ape
| | | |-03 Pictures at an Exhibition - Promenade.ape
| | | |-02 Pictures at an Exhibition - Gnomus.ape
| | | |-01 Pictures at an Exhibition - Promenade.ape
| | |-25 Khudolei (Melodiya, 1988)
| | | |-Mussorgsky - Khudolei.log
| | | |-Mussorgsky - Khudolei.log
| | | |-Front.jpg
| | | |-(01) [Mussorgsky (15)] Pictures At An Exhibition (15).ape
| | | |-(01) [Mussorgsky (14)] Pictures At An Exhibition (14).ape
| | | |-(01) [Mussorgsky (13)] Pictures At An Exhibition (13).ape
| | | |-(01) [Mussorgsky (12)] Pictures At An Exhibition (12).ape
| | | |-(01) [Mussorgsky (11)] Pictures At An Exhibition (11).ape
| | | |-(01) [Mussorgsky (11)] Pictures At An Exhibition (11).ape
| | | |-(01) [Mussorgsky (10)] Pictures At An Exhibition (10).ape
| | | |-(01) [Mussorgsky (09)] Pictures At An Exhibition (09).ape
| | | |-(01) [Mussorgsky (08)] Pictures At An Exhibition (08).ape
| | | |-(01) [Mussorgsky (07)] Pictures At An Exhibition (07).ape
| | | |-(01) [Mussorgsky (06)] Pictures At An Exhibition (06).ape
| | | |-(01) [Mussorgsky (06)] Pictures At An Exhibition (06).ape
| | | |-(01) [Mussorgsky (05)] Pictures At An Exhibition (05).ape
| | | |-(01) [Mussorgsky (04)] Pictures At An Exhibition (04).ape
| | | |-(01) [Mussorgsky (03)] Pictures At An Exhibition (03).ape
| | | |-(01) [Mussorgsky (02)] Pictures At An Exhibition (02).ape
| | | |-(01) [Mussorgsky (01)] Pictures At An Exhibition (01).ape
| | | |-(00) [Mussorgsky] Pictures At An Exhibition.ape
| | |-24 Engerer (HM, 1987)
| | | |-Mussorgsky, Modest (1839-1881) - Tableaux d'une exposition, Brigitte Engerer (H. Mundi).log
| | | |-Mussorgsky, Modest (1839-1881) - Tableaux d'une exposition, Brigitte Engerer (H. Mundi).log
| | | |-Front.jpg
| | | |-Back.jpg
| | | |-16 X. La Grande Porte de Kiev.flac
| | | |-15 IX. La Cabane sur des pattes de poule.flac
| | | |-14 Promenade.flac
| | | |-13 VIII. Catacombae_ Sepulchrum Romanum.flac
| | | |-12 VII. Limoges. Le marché.flac
| | | |-11 Promenade.flac
| | | |-10 VI. Samuel Goldenberg und Schmuyle.flac
| | | |-09 V. Ballet des poussins dans leurs coques.flac
| | | |-08 Promenade.flac
| | | |-07 IV. Bydlo.flac
| | | |-06 III. Tuileries.Dispute d'enfants aprés jeux.flac
| | | |-05 Promenade.flac
| | | |-04 II. Il vecchio castello.flac
| | | |-03 Promenade.flac
| | | |-02 I. Gnomus.flac
| | | |-01 Mussorgsky. Tableaux d'une exposition - Promenade.flac
| | |-23 Douglas (RCA, 1986)
| | | |-Booklet.pdf
| | | |-Barry Douglas - Mussorgsky  Pictures At An Exhibition.log
| | | |-16 - Pictures at an Exhibition - The Great Gate at Kiev.flac
| | | |-15 - Pictures at an Exhibition - The Hut on Hen's Legs (Baba Yaga).flac
| | | |-14 - Pictures at an Exhibition - Con mortuis in lingua mortua.flac
| | | |-13 - Pictures at an Exhibition - Catacombs (Sepulchrum romanum).flac
| | | |-12 - Pictures at an Exhibition - Limoges - The Market.flac
| | | |-11 - Pictures at an Exhibition - Promenade.flac
| | | |-10 - Pictures at an Exhibition - Samual Goldenberg and Schmuyle.flac
| | | |-09 - Pictures at an Exhibition - Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks.flac
| | | |-08 - Pictures at an Exhibition - Promenade.flac
| | | |-07 - Pictures at an Exhibition - Bydlo.flac
| | | |-06 - Pictures at an Exhibition - Tuileries (Children Quarreling at Play).flac
| | | |-05 - Pictures at an Exhibition - Promenade.flac
| | | |-04 - Pictures at an Exhibition - The Old Castle.flac
| | | |-03 - Pictures at an Exhibition - Promenade.flac
| | | |-02 - Pictures at an Exhibition - The Gnome.flac
| | | |-01 - Pictures at an Exhibition - Promenade.flac
| | |-22 Brendel (Philips, 1985)
| | | |-Unknown Title.log
| | | |-Unknown Title.log
| | | |-Scans
| | | | |-front.jpg
| | | | |-front.jpg
| | | | |-back.jpg
| | | | |-6.jpg
| | | | |-5.jpg
| | | | |-4.jpg
| | | | |-3.jpg
| | | | |-2.jpg
| | | | |-1.jpg
| | | |-16 Alfred Brendel , The Great Gate of Kiev.ape
| | | |-15 Alfred Brendel, , The Hut on Fowl's Legs (Baba-Yaga).ape
| | | |-14 Alfred Brendel, , Cum mortuis in lingua mortua.ape
| | | |-13 Alfred Brendel , Catacombae (Sepulchrum romanum).ape
| | | |-12 Alfred Brendel , The Market-place at Limoges.ape
| | | |-11 Alfred Brendel , Promenade (5).ape
| | | |-10 Alfred Brendel , Samuel Goldenberg and Schmuyle.ape
| | | |-09 Alfred Brendel , Ballet of the Chickens in their Shells.ape
| | | |-08 Alfred Brendel , Promenade (4).ape
| | | |-07 Alfred Brendel , Bydlo.ape
| | | |-06 Alfred Brendel , The Tuileries Garden.ape
| | | |-06 Alfred Brendel , The Tuileries Garden.ape
| | | |-05 Alfred Brendel , Promenade (3).ape
| | | |-04 Alfred Brendel , Il vecchio castello (The Old Castle).ape
| | | |-03 Alfred Brendel , Promenade.ape
| | | |-02 Alfred Brendel , Gnomus.ape
| | | |-01 Alfred Brendel , Promenade.ape
| | |-21 Postnikova (Melodiya, 1982)
| | | |-Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition (1983) [FLAC] {Postnikova}.log
| | | |-Booklet.pdf
| | | |-15 - The Giant Gate of Kiev.flac
| | | |-15 - The Giant Gate of Kiev.flac
| | | |-14 - The Hut on Fowls Legs.flac
| | | |-13 - Catacombs Con Mortuis in Lingua Mortua.flac
| | | |-12 - Limoges Marche.flac
| | | |-11 - Promenade 5.flac
| | | |-10 - Samuel Goldberg.flac
| | | |-09 - Ballet des poussins dans leur coque.flac
| | | |-09 - Ballet des poussins dans leur coque.flac
| | | |-08 - Promenade 4.flac
| | | |-07 - Bydko.flac
| | | |-06 - Les Tuileries.flac
| | | |-05 - Promenade 3.flac
| | | |-04 - Old Castle.flac
| | | |-03 -  Promenade 2.flac
| | | |-02 - Gnomus.flac
| | | |-01 - Pictures at an Exhibition, Promenade 1.flac
| | |-20 Brand (Apr, 1982)
| | | |-In Recital CD 2 of 2 APR7022.log
| | | |-Booklet.pdf
| | | |-Booklet.pdf
| | | |-(12) [Natan Brand] 12. Mussorgsky . Pictures - 11. The hut on Fowls Legs (Baba-Yaga) & Great Gat....ape
| | | |-(11) [Natan Brand] 11. Mussorgsky . Pictures - 10. Limoges & Catacombs- Cum mortuis in lungua mo....ape
| | | |-(10) [Natan Brand] 10. Mussorgsky . Pictures - 9. Samuel Goldberg & Schmuyle.ape
| | | |-(09) [Natan Brand] 09. Mussorgsky . Pictures - 8. Promenade & Ballet of the unhatched chicks.ape
| | | |-(08) [Natan Brand] 08. Mussorgsky . Pictures - 7. Bydlo.ape
| | | |-(07) [Natan Brand] 07. Mussorgsky . Pictures - 6. Tuileries.ape
| | | |-(06) [Natan Brand] 06. Mussorgsky . Pictures - 5. Promenade.ape
| | | |-(05) [Natan Brand] 05. Mussorgsky . Pictures - 4. The Old Castle.ape
| | | |-(04) [Natan Brand] 04. Mussorgsky . Pictures - 3. Promenade.ape
| | | |-(03) [Natan Brand] 03. Mussorgsky . Pictures - 2. Gnome.ape
| | | |-(02) [Natan Brand] 02. Mussorgsky . Pictures [Rec. Manhattan'82] 1. Promenade.ape
| | |-19 Ashkenazy (Decca, 1982)
| | | |-Scans
| | | | |-inlay7.jpg
| | | | |-inlay6.jpg
| | | | |-inlay5.jpg
| | | | |-inlay4.jpg
| | | | |-inlay3.jpg
| | | | |-inlay2.jpg
| | | | |-inlay1.jpg
| | | | |-front.jpg
| | | | |-back.jpg
| | | |-Modest Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition.log
| | | |-Modest Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition.log
| | | |-06 The Hut on Hen's Legs & The Great Gate of Kiev (Piano Version).ape
| | | |-05 Promenade - Limoges- le marché - Catacombae - Cum mortuis in lingua mortua (P....ape
| | | |-04 Promenade - Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks - Samuel Goldenberg and Schmuyle (....ape
| | | |-03 Promenade - Les Tuileries - Bydlo (Piano Version).ape
| | | |-03 Promenade - Les Tuileries - Bydlo (Piano Version).ape
| | | |-02 Promenade - Il vecchio castello (Piano Version).ape
| | | |-01 Promenade - Gnomus (Piano Version).ape
| | |-18 Firkusny (BBC Legends, 1980)
| | | |-Covers
| | | | |-Front.jpg
| | | | |-Booklet (2).jpg
| | | | |-Booklet (1).jpg
| | | | |-Back.jpg
| | | |-21. Mussorgsky_ Pictures at an Exhibition - X. The Great Gate of Kiev.flac
| | | |-20. Mussorgsky_ Pictures at an Exhibition - IX. The Hut on Fowl's Legs (Baba-Yaga).flac
| | | |-19. Mussorgsky_ Pictures at an Exhibition - Cum mortuis in lingua mortua.flac
| | | |-18. Mussorgsky_ Pictures at an Exhibition - VIII. Catacombae_ Sepulchrum romanum.flac
| | | |-17. Mussorgsky_ Pictures at an Exhibition - VII. The Market Place at Limoges.flac
| | | |-16. Mussorgsky_ Pictures at an Exhibition - Promenade.flac
| | | |-15. Mussorgsky_ Pictures at an Exhibition - VI. Samuel Goldenberg and Schmuyle.flac
| | | |-14. Mussorgsky_ Pictures at an Exhibition - V. Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks.flac
| | | |-13. Mussorgsky_ Pictures at an Exhibition - Promenade.flac
| | | |-12. Mussorgsky_ Pictures at an Exhibition - IV. Bydlo.flac
| | | |-11. Mussorgsky_ Pictures at an Exhibition - III. Tuileries.flac
| | | |-10. Mussorgsky_ Pictures at an Exhibition - Promenade.flac
| | | |-09. Mussorgsky_ Pictures at an Exhibition - II. The Old Castle.flac
| | | |-08. Mussorgsky_ Pictures at an Exhibition - Promenade.flac
| | | |-07. Mussorgsky_ Pictures at an Exhibition - I. The Gnome.flac
| | | |-06. Mussorgsky_ Pictures at an Exhibition - Promenade.flac
| | | |-06. Mussorgsky_ Pictures at an Exhibition - Promenade.flac
| | |-17 Magaloff (Carrere, 1978)
| | | |-Scans
| | | | |-Pictures at an Exhibition - front.jpg
| | | | |-Pictures at an Exhibition - cd.jpg
| | | | |-Pictures at an Exhibition - booklet2.jpg
| | | | |-Pictures at an Exhibition - booklet1.jpg
| | | | |-Pictures at an Exhibition - back.jpg
| | | |-Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition.log
| | | |-16 - Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - The Great Gate of Kiev.flac
| | | |-15 - Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - Baba-Yaga The hut on fowl's legs.flac
| | | |-14 - Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - Cum mortuis in lingua mortua.flac
| | | |-13 - Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - Catacombs.flac
| | | |-12 - Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - Limoges.flac
| | | |-11 - Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - Promenade.flac
| | | |-10 - Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - Samuel Goldenberg and Schmuyle.flac
| | | |-09 - Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks.flac
| | | |-08 - Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - Promenade.flac
| | | |-07 - Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - Bydlo.flac
| | | |-06 - Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - Tuileries.flac
| | | |-05 - Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - Promenade.flac
| | | |-04 - Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - The old castle.flac
| | | |-03 - Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - Promenade.flac
| | | |-03 - Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - Promenade.flac
| | | |-02 - Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - Gnomus.flac
| | | |-01 - Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - Promenade.flac
| | |-16 Berman (DG, 1975)
| | | |-Scans
| | | | |-Front.jpeg
| | | | |-CD 1.jpeg
| | | | |-Back.jpeg
| | | |-Mussorgsky: Pictures At An Exhibition; Prokofiev: Romeo & Juliet.log
| | | |-(16) [Lazar Berman] Mussorgsky- Pictures At An Exhibition - 16. The Great Gate Of Kiev.flac
| | | |-(15) [Lazar Berman] Mussorgsky- Pictures At An Exhibition - The Hut On Fowls' Legs.flac
| | | |-(14) [Lazar Berman] Mussorgsky- Pictures At An Exhibition - Cum Mortuis In Lingua Mortua.flac
| | | |-(13) [Lazar Berman] Mussorgsky- Pictures At An Exhibition - The Catacombs.flac
| | | |-(13) [Lazar Berman] Mussorgsky- Pictures At An Exhibition - The Catacombs.flac
| | | |-(12) [Lazar Berman] Mussorgsky- Pictures At An Exhibition - The Marketplace At Limoges.flac
| | | |-(11) [Lazar Berman] Mussorgsky- Pictures At An Exhibition - Promenade 5.flac
| | | |-(10) [Lazar Berman] Mussorgsky- Pictures At An Exhibition - Samuel Goldenberg & Schmuyle.flac
| | | |-(09) [Lazar Berman] Mussorgsky- Pictures At An Exhibition - Ballet Of The Chicks In Their Shells.flac
| | | |-(08) [Lazar Berman] Mussorgsky- Pictures At An Exhibition - Promenade 4.flac
| | | |-(07) [Lazar Berman] Mussorgsky- Pictures At An Exhibition - The Oxen.flac
| | | |-(06) [Lazar Berman] Mussorgsky- Pictures At An Exhibition - Tuileries.flac
| | | |-(05) [Lazar Berman] Mussorgsky- Pictures At An Exhibition - Promenade 3.flac
| | | |-(04) [Lazar Berman] Mussorgsky- Pictures At An Exhibition - The Old Castle.flac
| | | |-(03) [Lazar Berman] Mussorgsky- Pictures At An Exhibition - Promenade 2.flac
| | | |-(02) [Lazar Berman] Mussorgsky- Pictures At An Exhibition - The Gnome.flac
| | | |-(01) [Lazar Berman] Mussorgsky- Pictures At An Exhibition - Promenade 1.flac
| | |-15 Weissenberg (Orfeo, 1972)
| | | |-folder.jpg
| | | |-Booklet.pdf
| | | |-Alexis Weissenberg - Salzburger Festspiele 07.08.1972 CD2.log
| | | |-10. 10. Das Heldentor (in der Hauptstadt Kiew).flac
| | | |-09. 9. Die Huette auf Huehnerfuessen (Baba Yaga).flac
| | | |-08. 8. Catacombae (Sepulcrum romanum).flac
| | | |-07. 7. Limoges. Le marche (La grande nouvelle).flac
| | | |-07. 7. Limoges. Le marche (La grande nouvelle).flac
| | | |-06. 6. Samuel Goldberg und Schmuyle - Promenade.flac
| | | |-05. 5. Ballett der unausgeschluepften Kueken.flac
| | | |-04. 4. Bydlo - Promenade.flac
| | | |-03. 3. Promenade - Tuileries.flac
| | | |-02. 2. Promenade - Il vecchio castello.flac
| | | |-01. M. Mussorgsky - Bilder einer Ausstellung_ 1. Promenade - Gnomus.flac
| | |-14 Weissenberg (EMI, 1971)
| | | |-folder.jpg
| | | |-CDImage.log
| | | |-CDImage.log
| | | |-Artwork
| | | | |-Track.jpg
| | | | |-Front.jpg
| | | | |-Back.jpg
| | | |-(18) [Alexis Weissenberg] Modest Mussorgsky - Pictures at an exhibition - XV. La grande porte de Kiev.ape
| | | |-(17) [Alexis Weissenberg] Modest Mussorgsky - Pictures at an exhibition - XIV. La cabane sur pattes de ....ape
| | | |-(16) [Alexis Weissenberg] Modest Mussorgsky - Pictures at an exhibition - XIII. Les catacombes.ape
| | | |-(15) [Alexis Weissenberg] Modest Mussorgsky - Pictures at an exhibition - XII. Limoges Le marche.ape
| | | |-(14) [Alexis Weissenberg] Modest Mussorgsky - Pictures at an exhibition - XI. Promenade.ape
| | | |-(13) [Alexis Weissenberg] Modest Mussorgsky - Pictures at an exhibition - X. Deux juifs polonais.ape
| | | |-(12) [Alexis Weissenberg] Modest Mussorgsky - Pictures at an exhibition - IX. Ballet des poussins dans ....ape
| | | |-(11) [Alexis Weissenberg] Modest Mussorgsky - Pictures at an exhibition - VIII. Promenade.ape
| | | |-(10) [Alexis Weissenberg] Modest Mussorgsky - Pictures at an exhibition - VII. Bydlo.ape
| | | |-(09) [Alexis Weissenberg] Modest Mussorgsky - Pictures at an exhibition - VI. Tuileries.ape
| | | |-(08) [Alexis Weissenberg] Modest Mussorgsky - Pictures at an exhibition - V. Promenade.ape
| | | |-(07) [Alexis Weissenberg] Modest Mussorgsky - Pictures at an exhibition - IV. Le vieux chateau.ape
| | | |-(06) [Alexis Weissenberg] Modest Mussorgsky - Pictures at an exhibition - III. Promenade.ape
| | | |-(05) [Alexis Weissenberg] Modest Mussorgsky - Pictures at an exhibition - II. Le gnome.ape
| | | |-(04) [Alexis Weissenberg] Modest Mussorgsky - Pictures at an exhibition - I. Promenade.ape
| | |-13 Ashkenazy (Decca, 1967)
| | | |-cover.jpg
| | | |-cover.jpg
| | | |-booklet.pdf
| | | |-10. The Great Gate of Kiev.flac
| | | |-09. The Hut on Fowls Legs.flac
| | | |-08. Cum Mortuis in Lingua Morta.flac
| | | |-07. Promenade - The Marketplace at Limoges.flac
| | | |-06. Samuel Goldenberg and Schmuyle.flac
| | | |-05. Promenade - Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks.flac
| | | |-05. Promenade - Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks.flac
| | | |-04. Bydlo.flac
| | | |-03. Promenade - Tuileries.flac
| | | |-02. Promenade - The Old Castle.flac
| | | |-01. Promenade - Gnomus.flac
| | |-12 Yudina (Classound, 1967)
| | | |-scans
| | | | |-s7.jpg
| | | | |-s6.jpg
| | | | |-s5.jpg
| | | | |-s4.jpg
| | | | |-s3.jpg
| | | | |-s2.jpg
| | | | |-s1.jpg
| | | |-Maria Yudina - Maria Yudina - Mussorgsky. Pictures at an Exhibition; Beethoven, Prokofiev.log
| | | |-folder.jpg
| | | |-15 - Le Grande Porte De Kiev.flac
| | | |-14 - Con Cabane Sur Des Pattes De Poule (baba-yaga).flac
| | | |-13 - Catacombae - Sepulcrum Romanum.flac
| | | |-12 - Limoges. Le Marche.flac
| | | |-11 - Promenade.flac
| | | |-11 - Promenade.flac
| | | |-10 - Samuel Godenberg Und Schmuyle.flac
| | | |-09 - Ballet De Poussins Dans Leurs Coques.flac
| | | |-08 - Promenade.flac
| | | |-07 - Bydlo.flac
| | | |-07 - Bydlo.flac
| | | |-06 - Tuileries - Dipute D'enfants Apres Jeux.flac
| | | |-05 - Promenade.flac
| | | |-04 - Il Vecchio Castello.flac
| | | |-03 - Promenade.flac
| | | |-02 - Gnomus.flac
| | | |-01 - Pictures at an Exhibition - Promade.flac
| | |-11 Wild (Ivory, 1966)
| | | |-Booklet.pdf
| | | |-01-28-The_Great_Gate_of_Kiev-LLS.flac
| | | |-01-27-The_Hut_on_Fowl_s_Legs_Baba-Yaga-LLS.flac
| | | |-01-26-Con_Mortuis_in_Lingua_Mortua-LLS.flac
| | | |-01-25-The_Catacombs_Sepulcrum_Romanum-LLS.flac
| | | |-01-24-The_Market_Place_at_Limoges-LLS.flac
| | | |-01-23-Two_Polish_Jews_One_Rich_the_Other_Poor-LLS.flac
| | | |-01-22-Ballet_of_the_Chicks_in_Their_Shells-LLS.flac
| | | |-01-21-Promenade-LLS.flac
| | | |-01-21-Promenade-LLS.flac
| | | |-01-20-Bydlo-LLS.flac
| | | |-01-19-Tuileries-LLS.flac
| | | |-01-18-Promenade-LLS.flac
| | | |-01-17-Il_Vecchio_Castello-LLS.flac
| | | |-01-16-Promenade-LLS.flac
| | | |-01-15-Gnomus-LLS.flac
| | | |-01-14-Promenade-LLS.flac
| | |-10 Janis (Mercury, 1961)
| | | |-Pictures at an Exhibition (Mercury Living Presence 475 6620).log
| | | |-Booklet.pdf
| | | |-15_Byron Janis - The Great Gate of Kiev.ape
| | | |-15_Byron Janis - The Great Gate of Kiev.ape
| | | |-14_Byron Janis - The Hut on Fowl's Legs (Baba Yaga).ape
| | | |-13_Byron Janis - Cum Mortuis in Lingua Mortua.ape
| | | |-12_Byron Janis - Catacombae (Sepulcrum Romanum).ape
| | | |-11_Byron Janis - Limoges, the Market Place.ape
| | | |-11_Byron Janis - Limoges, the Market Place.ape
| | | |-10_Byron Janis - Two Polish Jews, One Rich, the Other Poor.ape
| | | |-09_Byron Janis - Ballet of the Chicks in Their Shells.ape
| | | |-08_Byron Janis - Promenade.ape
| | | |-07_Byron Janis - Bydlo.ape
| | | |-06_Byron Janis - Tuileries.ape
| | | |-05_Byron Janis - Promenade.ape
| | | |-04_Byron Janis - Il Vecchio Castello.ape
| | | |-03_Byron Janis - Promenade.ape
| | | |-02_Byron Janis - Gnomus.ape
| | | |-01_(01) [Byron Janis] Pictures at an Exhibition (for the piano)- Promenade.ape
| | |-09 Richter (Philips, 1958)
| | | |-Track14.ape
| | | |-Track13.ape
| | | |-Track13.ape
| | | |-Track12.ape
| | | |-Track11.ape
| | | |-Track10.ape
| | | |-Track09.ape
| | | |-Track08.ape
| | | |-Track07.ape
| | | |-Track06.ape
| | | |-Track05.ape
| | | |-Track04.ape
| | | |-Track03.ape
| | | |-Track02.ape
| | | |-Track01.ape
| | | |-Richter Philips.log
| | | |-Booklet.pdf
| | |-08 Richter (Melodiya, 1958)
| | | |-Unknown Title.LOG
| | | |-Front.JPG
| | | |-Back.JPG
| | | |-20 Track20.ape
| | | |-19 Track19.ape
| | | |-19 Track19.ape
| | | |-18 Track18.ape
| | | |-18 Track18.ape
| | | |-17 Track17.ape
| | | |-16 Track16.ape
| | | |-15 Track15.ape
| | | |-14 Track14.ape
| | | |-13 Track13.ape
| | | |-12 Track12.ape
| | | |-12 Track12.ape
| | | |-11 Track11.ape
| | | |-10 Track10.ape
| | | |-09 Track09.ape
| | | |-08 Track08.ape
| | | |-07 Track07.ape
| | | |-06 Track06.ape
| | | |-05 Track05.ape
| | |-07 Richter (Praga, 1956)
| | | |-folder.jpg
| | | |-folder.jpg
| | | |-Booklet.pdf
| | | |-23. XV. La Grande Porte de Kiev.flac
| | | |-22. XIV. La Cabane sur des pattes de poule.flac
| | | |-21. XIII. Catacombae. Sepulcrum romanum.flac
| | | |-20. XII. Limoges, le marché.flac
| | | |-19. XI. Promenade.flac
| | | |-18. X. Samuel Goldenberg et Schmuyle.flac
| | | |-17. IX. Ballet des poussins dans leur coque.flac
| | | |-17. IX. Ballet des poussins dans leur coque.flac
| | | |-16. VIII. Promenade.flac
| | | |-15. VII. Bydlo.flac
| | | |-14. VI. Les Tuileries.flac
| | | |-13. V. Promenade.flac
| | | |-12. IV. Il vecchio castello.flac
| | | |-11. III. Promenade.flac
| | | |-10. II. Gnomus.flac
| | | |-09. Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition- I. Promenade.flac
| | | |-09. Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition- I. Promenade.flac
| | |-06 Brendel (Membran, 1955)
| | | |-Box Front.jpg
| | | |-Box Back.jpg
| | | |-Booklet.pdf
| | | |-19. Pictures at an Exhibition_ Kiev.flac
| | | |-18. Pictures at an Exhibition_ BabaYaga.flac
| | | |-17. Pictures at an Exhibition_ Cum mortuis in lingua mortua.flac
| | | |-16. Pictures at an Exhibition_ VIII. Catacombæ (Sepulcrum romanum).flac
| | | |-16. Pictures at an Exhibition_ VIII. Catacombæ (Sepulcrum romanum).flac
| | | |-15. Pictures at an Exhibition_ VII. Limoges, le marché.flac
| | | |-15. Pictures at an Exhibition_ VII. Limoges, le marché.flac
| | | |-14. Pictures at an Exhibition_ Promenade.flac
| | | |-13. Pictures at an Exhibition_ VI. Samuel Goldenberg und Schmuÿle.flac
| | | |-12. Pictures at an Exhibition_ V. Ballet.flac
| | | |-11. Pictures at an Exhibition_ Promenade.flac
| | | |-10. Pictures at an Exhibition_ IV. Bydlo.flac
| | | |-09. Pictures at an Exhibition_ III. Tuileries (Dispute d'enfants après jeux).flac
| | | |-08. Pictures at an Exhibition_ Promenade.flac
| | | |-07. Pictures at an Exhibition_ II. Vecchio castello.flac
| | | |-06. Pictures at an Exhibition_ Promenade.flac
| | | |-05. Pictures at an Exhibition_ I. Gnomus.flac
| | | |-04. Pictures at an Exhibition_ Promenade.flac
| | |-05 Kapell (RCA, 1953)
| | | |-William Kapell - Frick Collection Recital.log
| | | |-folder.jpg
| | | |-Artwork
| | | | |-inside2.jpg
| | | | |-inside1.jpg
| | | | |-front.jpg
| | | | |-cd.jpg
| | | |-22 - Mussorgsky- Pictures at an Exhibition- The Great Gate at Kiev.flac
| | | |-21 - Mussorgsky- Pictures at an Exhibition- The Hut on Fowl's Legs.flac
| | | |-20 - Mussorgsky- Pictures at an Exhibition- Con mortuis in lingua mortua.flac
| | | |-19 - Mussorgsky- Pictures at an Exhibition- Catacombs.flac
| | | |-18 - Mussorgsky- Pictures at an Exhibition- Limoges - The Market.flac
| | | |-17 - Mussorgsky- Pictures at an Exhibition- Promenade.flac
| | | |-16 - Mussorgsky- Pictures at an Exhibition- Samuel Goldenberg and Schmuyle.flac
| | | |-15 - Mussorgsky- Pictures at an Exhibition- Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks.flac
| | | |-14 - Mussorgsky- Pictures at an Exhibition- Promenade.flac
| | | |-13 - Mussorgsky- Pictures at an Exhibition- Bydlo.flac
| | | |-12 - Mussorgsky- Pictures at an Exhibition- Tuileries.flac
| | | |-11 - Mussorgsky- Pictures at an Exhibition- Promenade.flac
| | | |-10 - Mussorgsky- Pictures at an Exhibition- The Old Castle.flac
| | | |-09 - Mussorgsky- Pictures at an Exhibition- Promenade.flac
| | | |-09 - Mussorgsky- Pictures at an Exhibition- Promenade.flac
| | | |-08 - Mussorgsky- Pictures at an Exhibition- The Gnome.flac
| | | |-07 - Mussorgsky- Pictures at an Exhibition- Promenade.flac
| | |-04 Horowitz (Sony, 1951)
| | | |-Vol06 (2).JPG
| | | |-Vol06 (1).JPG
| | | |-Scans Toscanini Edition
| | | | |-Volume 44 page 12.jpg
| | | | |-Volume 44 page 11.jpg
| | | | |-Volume 44 page 10.jpg
| | | | |-Volume 44 page 09.jpg
| | | | |-Volume 44 page 08.jpg
| | | | |-Volume 44 page 07.jpg
| | | | |-Volume 44 page 06.jpg
| | | | |-Volume 44 page 05.jpg
| | | | |-Volume 44 page 05.jpg
| | | | |-Volume 44 page 04.jpg
| | | | |-Volume 44 page 03.jpg
| | | | |-Volume 44 page 02.jpg
| | | | |-Volume 44 page 01.jpg
| | | | |-Volume 44 page 00.jpg
| | | | |-inlay 44.jpg
| | | |-Booklet.pdf
| | | |-11-15-Vladimir_Horowitz-The_Great_Gate_of_Kiev-LLS.flac
| | | |-11-14-Vladimir_Horowitz-The_Hut_on_Fowl_s_Legs-LLS.flac
| | | |-11-13-Vladimir_Horowitz-Con_mortuis_in_lingua_-LLS.flac
| | | |-11-12-Vladimir_Horowitz-Catacombs_Sepulchrum_r-LLS.flac
| | | |-11-11-Vladimir_Horowitz-Limoges-LLS.flac
| | | |-11-10-Vladimir_Horowitz-Samuel_Goldenberg_and_-LLS.flac
| | | |-11-10-Vladimir_Horowitz-Samuel_Goldenberg_and_-LLS.flac
| | | |-11-09-Vladimir_Horowitz-Ballet_of_the_Unhatche-LLS.flac
| | | |-11-09-Vladimir_Horowitz-Ballet_of_the_Unhatche-LLS.flac
| | | |-11-08-Vladimir_Horowitz-Promenade-LLS.flac
| | | |-11-07-Vladimir_Horowitz-Bydlo-LLS.flac
| | | |-11-06-Vladimir_Horowitz-Tuileries-LLS.flac
| | | |-11-05-Vladimir_Horowitz-Promenade-LLS.flac
| | | |-11-04-Vladimir_Horowitz-Il_vecchio_castello-LLS.flac
| | | |-11-03-Vladimir_Horowitz-Promenade-LLS.flac
| | | |-11-02-Vladimir_Horowitz-Gnomes-LLS.flac
| | | |-11-01-Vladimir_Horowitz-Promenade-LLS.flac
| | | |-07.JPG
| | | |-06.JPG
| | | |-05.JPG
| | | |-04.JPG
| | | |-03.JPG
| | | |-02.JPG
| | | |-01.JPG
| | |-03 Katchen (Decca, 1950)
| | | |-Julius Katchen - The Art of Julius Katchen, Vol. 4 (cd2).log
| | | |-booklet
| | | | |-back.jpg
| | | | |-014.jpg
| | | | |-013.jpg
| | | | |-012.jpg
| | | | |-011.jpg
| | | | |-010.jpg
| | | | |-009.jpg
| | | | |-008.jpg
| | | | |-007.jpg
| | | | |-006.jpg
| | | | |-005.jpg
| | | | |-004.jpg
| | | | |-003.jpg
| | | | |-002.jpg
| | | | |-001.jpg
| | | |-06. Pictures at an Exhibition (Kartinki s vïstavski), for piano- 9. The Hut on Fo....flac
| | | |-05. Pictures at an Exhibition (Kartinki s vïstavski), for piano- Promenade - 7. T....flac
| | | |-04. Pictures at an Exhibition (Kartinki s vïstavski), for piano- Promenade - 5. B....flac
| | | |-03. Pictures at an Exhibition (Kartinki s vïstavski), for piano- Promenade - 3. T....flac
| | | |-03. Pictures at an Exhibition (Kartinki s vïstavski), for piano- Promenade - 3. T....flac
| | | |-02. Pictures at an Exhibition (Kartinki s vïstavski), for piano- Promenade - 2. T....flac
| | | |-01. Pictures at an Exhibition (Kartinki s vïstavski), for piano- Promenade - 1. G....flac
| | |-02 Horowitz (Sony, 1948)
| | | |-Vol24 (2).JPG
| | | |-Vol24 (1).JPG
| | | |-Booklet.pdf
| | | |-40-19-Vladimir_Horowitz-The_Great_Gate_at_Kiev-LLS.flac
| | | |-40-18-Vladimir_Horowitz-Hut_on_Fowl_s_Legs_Bab-LLS.flac
| | | |-40-17-Vladimir_Horowitz-Con_mortius_in_lingua_-LLS.flac
| | | |-40-16-Vladimir_Horowitz-Catacombae_Sepulcrum_r-LLS.flac
| | | |-40-15-Vladimir_Horowitz-Limoges_marche-LLS.flac
| | | |-40-14-Vladimir_Horowitz-Samuel_Goldenberg_Schm-LLS.flac
| | | |-40-13-Vladimir_Horowitz-Ballet_of_the_Unhatche-LLS.flac
| | | |-40-12-Vladimir_Horowitz-Promenade-LLS.flac
| | | |-40-12-Vladimir_Horowitz-Promenade-LLS.flac
| | | |-40-11-Vladimir_Horowitz-Bydlo-LLS.flac
| | | |-40-10-Vladimir_Horowitz-Tuileries-LLS.flac
| | | |-40-09-Vladimir_Horowitz-Promenade-LLS.flac
| | | |-40-09-Vladimir_Horowitz-Promenade-LLS.flac
| | | |-40-08-Vladimir_Horowitz-Il_Vecchio_Castello-LLS.flac
| | | |-40-07-Vladimir_Horowitz-Promenade-LLS.flac
| | | |-40-06-Vladimir_Horowitz-Gnomus-LLS.flac
| | | |-40-05-Vladimir_Horowitz-Promenade-LLS.flac
| | | |-07.JPG
| | | |-06.JPG
| | | |-05.JPG
| | | |-04.JPG
| | | |-03.JPG
| | | |-02.JPG
| | | |-01.JPG
| | |-01 Moiseiwitsch (History, 1945)
| | | |-info.txt
| | | |-front.jpg
| | | |-front.jpg
| | | |-CDImage.log
| | | |-19. The Great Gate of Kiev.flac
| | | |-18. The Hut On The Fowls Legs (Baba Yaga).flac
| | | |-17. Catacombe.flac
| | | |-16. Limoges.flac
| | | |-15. Promenade.flac
| | | |-14. Samuel Goldenberg And Schmmuyle.flac
| | | |-14. Samuel Goldenberg And Schmmuyle.flac
| | | |-13. Ballad Of The Unhatched Chicken.flac
| | | |-12. Promenade.flac
| | | |-12. Promenade.flac
| | | |-11. Bydlo.flac
| | | |-10. Tuileries.flac
| | | |-09. Promenade.flac
| | | |-08. The Old Castle.flac
| | | |-07. Promenade.flac
| | | |-06. The Gnome.flac
| | | |-05. MOISEIWITSCH - Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - Promenade.flac
【5956】穆索尔斯基 图画展览会 Mussorgsky Pictures at an exhibition无损合集 50CD FLAC


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