01. 云钟 could bells [0:03:01.27]
02. 波罗蜜多 paramita, the ultimate [0:03:25.15]
03. 阿耨多罗三藐三菩提 song of the enlightenment [0:07:39.60]
04. 琵琶行 song of pipa [0:05:34.25]
05. 群僧 monks [0:02:21.15]
06. 般若心经 heart sutra [0:08:14.60]
07. 尘鼓 earth drums [0:04:48.58]
08. 白蛇舞 dance of the white snake [0:03:13.72]
09. 春歌 spring song [0:03:47.23]
10. 千江月 moons upon a thousand rivers [0:07:55.37]
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