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[电影原声SACD] 英国皇家爱乐乐团 《007电影占士邦纪念专辑》 The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra - James Bond Themes
专辑内容: 眾所周知电影007占士邦是个足知多谋、风流倜儻的电影人物,无论是秘密武器、智取敌人、美豔邦女郎及超级跑车等都是每齣铁金刚电影中必备元素。这个倍伴我们成长;倍著我们渡过四十多个年头之长青电影人物,为何每齣电影都会令我欣赏数次或以上;不单只是扣人心弦或是化险为夷的必然桥段,还有是每齣电影指定的序曲及动人的主题歌曲。本专辑从二十多齣铁金刚电影当中,精挑细选十二首最精彩主题曲以管絃乐精心演绎;在开首已是每齣铁金刚电影绝不可缺的片头序曲,这一段美女跳舞动画配上这百听不厌的招牌音乐,其经典之处,即使现今港产电影或广告都常以这个画面或配乐作为参考蓝本,普及之大,在此可见一斑;接著的《FromRussia With Love》、《For Your Eyes Only 》、《Thunderball》、《DiamondsAre Forever》 、《TheMan With The Golden Gun》、《Goldfinger》 、《Golden Eye》 等等都是家喻户晓、首首动听的经典主题金曲。英国皇家爱乐团特别为这位电影人物服役四十年,力邀指挥大师《CarlDavis 卡尔戴维斯》带领《英国皇家爱乐乐团》重新演奏这十二首经典名作;无论选曲、编曲以至演绎都达至超级水準,尤其是在编曲及演绎方面,有别一般普通轻音乐软件那种单调味节奏。本专辑融入大量古典音乐旋律中的复杂元素,澎湃时高潮迭起,轻柔时哀怨动人,再以SACD高科技录昔技术制作.音色更臻完美! 餘音绕梁、锐不可当 秘密武器、美艳邦女、007占士邦电影必备元素。CarlDavis从多齣占士邦电影当中挑选铁金刚主题曲作精心演绎。一面欣赏管弦乐完美录音一面回忆电影片头之美女扭摆动作、真是不亦乐乎! Conductor: Carl Davis Composer: Bill Conti, George Martin, John Barry, MarvinHamlisch, Monty Norman Audio CD (6 Feb 2006) Please Note: Requires SACD-compatible hardware Number of Discs: 1 Format: Hybrid SACD, SACD Label: Membran ASIN: B000E0LC58 THE ROYAL PHIL ORCH JAMES BOND THEMES [SACD] Number: 222910-203 Label: MEMBRAN Barcode: 4011222229106 The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra - James Bond Themes (SACD2005) PS3 Rip | ISO | SACD DST64 2.0 & 5.1 > 1-bit/2.8224MHz | 39:20 minutes | Scans included | 2,38 GB or FLAC 2.0 Stereo (converted with foobar2000 to tracks)24bit/88,2 kHz | Scans included | 779 MB Features 2.0 Stereo and 5.1 multichannel surround sound The world's largest-ever classical recording contract withone of the most outstanding orchestras, was begun in September 1993 and hasbeen build into a collection of over 150 albums of the world's best classicalmusic. Our aim is to present the ultimate in quality at an unbeatable price,making 'The Royal Philharmonic Collection' the only collection you will everneed. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra treads where many othershave gone before by recording an album of themes from the James Bond movies. Inthe hands of conductor Carl Davis and arranger Nic Raine, the 12 themes are,for the most part, given subtler, more romantic interpretations than usual.This is not true of the leadoff track, Monty Norman's "The James BondTheme," which actually is taken at a slightly faster tempo than istypical. But "Goldfinger" is slower and more majestic than thewell-known hit recording by Shirley Bassey. Although an electric guitar takesthe melody line for much of "Live and Let Die," the Paul McCartney-composedtheme is robbed of much of its power by Davis and Raine's approach, but, forexample, Bill Conti's "For Your Eyes Only," with its slow, solemnmelody, is perfectly suited to it. The conductor and arranger might have beenbetter advised to try different styles appropriate to different themes, butthey have created a consistent musical package of music originally written by alarge number of composers. Still, there are better albums of these themes. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra – James Bond Themes (SACD2005) PS3 Rip | ISO | SACD DST64 2.0 & 5.1 > 1-bit/2.8224MHz | 39:20 minutes | Scans included | 2,27 GB or FLAC 2.0 Stereo (converted with foobar2000 to tracks)24bit/88,2 kHz | Scans included | 741 MB Features 2.0 Stereo and 5.1 multichannel surround sound The world’s largest-ever classical recording contract withone of the most outstanding orchestras, was begun in September 1993 and hasbeen build into a collection of over 150 albums of the world’s best classicalmusic. Our aim is to present the ultimate in quality at an unbeatable price,making ‘The Royal Philharmonic Collection’ the only collection you will everneed. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra treads where many othershave gone before by recording an album of themes from the James Bond movies. Inthe hands of conductor Carl Davis and arranger Nic Raine, the 12 themes are,for the most part, given subtler, more romantic interpretations than usual.This is not true of the leadoff track, Monty Norman’s “The James Bond Theme,”which actually is taken at a slightly faster tempo than is typical. But“Goldfinger” is slower and more majestic than the well-known hit recording byShirley Bassey. Although an electric guitar takes the melody line for much of“Live and Let Die,” the Paul McCartney-composed theme is robbed of much of itspower by Davis and Raine’s approach, but, for example, Bill Conti’s “For YourEyes Only,” with its slow, solemn melody, is perfectly suited to it. Theconductor and arranger might have been better advised to try different stylesappropriate to different themes, but they have created a consistent musicalpackage of music originally written by a large number of composers. Still,there are better albums of these themes. review by William Ruhlmann The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra treads where many othershave gone before by recording an album of themes from the James Bond movies. Inthe hands of conductor Carl Davis and arranger Nic Raine, the 12 themes are,for the most part, given subtler, more romantic interpretations than usual.This is not true of the leadoff track, Monty Norman's "The James BondTheme," which actually is taken at a slightly faster tempo than istypical. But "Goldfinger" is slower and more majestic than thewell-known hit recording by Shirley Bassey. Although an electric guitar takesthe melody line for much of "Live and Let Die," the PaulMcCartney-composed theme is robbed of much of its power by Davis and Raine'sapproach, but, for example, Bill Conti's "For Your Eyes Only," withits slow, solemn melody, is perfectly suited to it. The conductor and arrangermight have been better advised to try different styles appropriate to differentthemes, but they have created a consistent musical package of music originallywritten by a large number of composers. Still, there are better albums of thesethemes. 1 THE JAMES BOND THEME (铁金刚勇破神秘岛) 2 FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE (铁金刚勇破间谍网) 3 GOLDFINGER (铁金刚大战金手指) 4 THUNDERBALL (铁金刚勇战魔鬼党) 5 YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE (铁金刚勇破火箭岭) 6 DIAMONDS ARE FOREVER (铁金刚勇破钻石党) 7 LIVE AND LET DIE (铁金刚勇破黑魔党) 8 THE MAN WITH THE GOLDEN GUN (铁金刚大战金枪客) 9 NOBODY DOES IT BETTER (铁金刚勇破海底城) 10 FOR YOUR EYES ONLY (铁金刚勇破海龙帮) 11 THE LIVING DAYLIGHTS (铁金刚大战特务飞龙) 12 GOLDENEYE (新铁金刚之金眼睛) Carl Davis -《 英国皇家爱乐乐团 大电影占士 邦》(TheRoyal Philharmonic Orchestra - James Bond Themes)[SACD-r] 专辑曲目: 01. The James Bond Theme (Monty Norman) (3:12) 02. From Russia With Love (Bart) (3:00) 03. Goldfinger (Barry, Bricusse, Newley) (3:00) 04. Thunderball (Barry, Black) (3:48) 05. You Only Live Twice (Barry, Bricusse) (3:53) 06. Diamonds Are Forever (Barry, Black) (2:53) 07. Live Or Let Die (McCartney, McCartney) (2:42) 08. The Man With The Golden Gun (Barry, Black) (3:18) 09. Nobody Does It Better (Hamlisch, Sager) (3:32) 10. For Your Eyes Only (Conti, Leeson) (3:06) 11. Living Daylights (Barry, Waaktaar) (2:48) 12. Golden Eye (Hewson, Evans) (4:06)