admin 发表于 2018-3-23 17:19:48



1. 關睢 (Crying Ospreys)
2. 越人歌 (Song of the Yue Boatman)
3. 西洲曲 (Song of the Western Islet)
4. 將進酒 (For the Moment, Drinking Wine)
5. 遊子吟 (A Journeyer’s Song)
6. 一剪梅 (A Twig of Mume Blossoms)
7. 江城子 (A Riverside Town)
8. 念奴嬌 (Charm of a Maiden Singer)
9. 行香子 (On the Trail of Sweet Incense)
10. 聲聲慢 (Slow, Slow Tune)
11. 雨霖鈴 (Bells Ringing in the Rain)
12. 釵頭鳳 (Phoenix Hairpin)
13. 摸魚兒 (Groping for Fish)

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购买主题 已有 6 人购买  本主题需向作者支付 30 音乐币 才能浏览

缕缕炊烟天目湖 发表于 2022-6-1 15:54:37



1. 關睢 (Crying Ospreys)
2. 越人歌 (Song of the Yue Boatman)
3. 西洲曲 (Song of the Western Islet)
4. 將進酒 (For the Moment, Drinking Wine)
5. 遊子吟 (A Journeyer’s Song)
6. 一剪梅 (A Twig of Mume Blossoms)
7. 江城子 (A Riverside Town)
8. 念奴嬌 (Charm of a Maiden Singer)
9. 行香子 (On the Trail of Sweet Incense)
10. 聲聲慢 (Slow, Slow Tune)
11. 雨霖鈴 (Bells Ringing in the Rain)
12. 釵頭鳳 (Phoenix Hairpin)
13. 摸魚兒 (Groping for Fish)

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购买主题 已有 6 人购买  本主题需向作者支付 30 音乐币 才能浏览

陈奕迅 发表于 2022-11-24 13:29:15



1. 關睢 (Crying Ospreys)
2. 越人歌 (Song of the Yue Boatman)
3. 西洲曲 (Song of the Western Islet)
4. 將進酒 (For the Moment, Drinking Wine)
5. 遊子吟 (A Journeyer’s Song)
6. 一剪梅 (A Twig of Mume Blossoms)
7. 江城子 (A Riverside Town)
8. 念奴嬌 (Charm of a Maiden Singer)
9. 行香子 (On the Trail of Sweet Incense)
10. 聲聲慢 (Slow, Slow Tune)
11. 雨霖鈴 (Bells Ringing in the Rain)
12. 釵頭鳳 (Phoenix Hairpin)
13. 摸魚兒 (Groping for Fish)

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购买主题 已有 6 人购买  本主题需向作者支付 30 音乐币 才能浏览

陈奕迅 发表于 2022-11-28 09:55:25



1. 關睢 (Crying Ospreys)
2. 越人歌 (Song of the Yue Boatman)
3. 西洲曲 (Song of the Western Islet)
4. 將進酒 (For the Moment, Drinking Wine)
5. 遊子吟 (A Journeyer’s Song)
6. 一剪梅 (A Twig of Mume Blossoms)
7. 江城子 (A Riverside Town)
8. 念奴嬌 (Charm of a Maiden Singer)
9. 行香子 (On the Trail of Sweet Incense)
10. 聲聲慢 (Slow, Slow Tune)
11. 雨霖鈴 (Bells Ringing in the Rain)
12. 釵頭鳳 (Phoenix Hairpin)
13. 摸魚兒 (Groping for Fish)

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购买主题 已有 6 人购买  本主题需向作者支付 30 音乐币 才能浏览

江城浪花 发表于 2022-12-7 09:49:15



1. 關睢 (Crying Ospreys)
2. 越人歌 (Song of the Yue Boatman)
3. 西洲曲 (Song of the Western Islet)
4. 將進酒 (For the Moment, Drinking Wine)
5. 遊子吟 (A Journeyer’s Song)
6. 一剪梅 (A Twig of Mume Blossoms)
7. 江城子 (A Riverside Town)
8. 念奴嬌 (Charm of a Maiden Singer)
9. 行香子 (On the Trail of Sweet Incense)
10. 聲聲慢 (Slow, Slow Tune)
11. 雨霖鈴 (Bells Ringing in the Rain)
12. 釵頭鳳 (Phoenix Hairpin)
13. 摸魚兒 (Groping for Fish)

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购买主题 已有 6 人购买  本主题需向作者支付 30 音乐币 才能浏览
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